It is the 1000th day of Russia's attack on Ukraine. The ongoing war became a symbol of both unprecedented heroism and unimaginable human tragedies. Reuters released a video showing the drama of Putin's soldiers, who are often easy targets for organized Ukrainians. In this case, the Russians became victims of Ukrainian warplanes during reconnaissance. The drone operators showed no mercy, attacking the invaders as they drove or fled into the bushes. 1000 days of war is a difficult time for Europe and the world. Escalating the conflict to NATO's borders raises the question of how long the West can balance between supporting Ukraine and avoiding direct confrontation with Russia. The recent decision of US President Joe Biden to give Ukraine long-range ATACMS missiles, which can hit targets on Russian territory, has caused a lot of controversy. The decision increases the risk of unpredictable Russian responses, including cyberattacks, political destabilization efforts, and even intensified information campaigns in Europe.
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