Asteroid 2024 pt5, which was the second month on earth, was probably the occurrence. This is displayed by the chemical properties of the facility. The slight rock is not a thousand years before – and the only object of this kind.
Although land can proud of many artificial satellites, we are consistent mainly from a natural object and the moon. Last year, ATterod Asteroid was found 2024 PT5, which was the second month of our planet for a short period of time. The researchers who appeared to be a little light in the magazine of the highpropics “.
More education about 2024 PT5: Today we lose the second month
Full of silicates
2024 PT5 is a small object – it’s about 11 meters. The interests of researchers to his family attracted our attention around the sun, so ours were reminded. It suggested that Atteroid can be from our corner from our solar system.
“This type of Orbit is not necessarily rare, so should not yet have the correct name”, the author of the lowest analyst.
2024 PT5 – Art of Arrival / Jpl-Dallallech
The latest reports are the result of observation of the research team. Along with his colleagues, he observed at the Institute of Telescope Telippope Telippaper and in Hawaijam. The lighting spectrum of the 2024 pt5 showed that it is not like it is not known to the spectrum of Atteroids, which do not know. However, it was similar to what it was taken to what is taken for the stones from the month.
– We had a hypothoise assumption that the Astrere can be rich from the month, but explained to those in samples of months. “It seems that she had added in the distance in the distance, there may be a few thousand years.”
Munpap / Man Zamemoven
Mislead between the ground and the moon
These reports pour new light to a unique group of soldiers of origin of the month. Ба онҳо, масалан, 469219 KAMO’OAALEALA, IE Псодо – сайёра – сайёрои мо заминро дар атрофи Офтоб ҳамроҳӣ мекунад, аммо дар минтақаи ҳукмронии он боқӣ намемонад. Their study helps us to understand that the pieces were drowned to the ground.
If antertoid can be associated with a toss of fish blow, the exam may offer new evidence about the processes of the processes about our moon processes. However, the future scientists explain.
Motaurace phase / Bill Danford
Main photos: NASA / JPL-Caltech