33. Finding a large donative charity of Christmas on issues, run, concerts and primarily with smiles and positive energy. We covered these moments in 47 seconds.
TVN Workshop Discover 9 The main media partner is in the Orcestra of Christmas
The great christmas of Christmas was played since 1993. For 32 years, Polish Health Foundation, which supports the country of healthal health programs, has studied a medical equipment for hospitals, the curriculum and healthy hospitals.
Also see special services: WOśP 2025 in TV24
See how we are 32 times in Plann24.
33. The large Christmas donation of Christmas
We contacted the great birth law of Christmas, Zipenev. / Tomekc33. WOśP – Chomęcice staff, Contact Composance. / Sławapgdynia for orchestra | Contact. / ARHORWIHIłko to heaven at the 33th largest orchestrue in Bowishsho Pap / PAWEł: Final WOBP PAP / Lesazek SzymaSki33. Final WOBP PAP / PAWEł Supernake Super Questux of WośP TVN244 Warsaw Pap / Radek Pietruszkizkazyajiznyajiznyajiznyjiznyajiznyajiznyjiznyajiznyajiznyjiznyaa Nya Goft on Wochat scene in Wargum in Warsaw | PAP / PAWEł PUPPLEZYIHYIHYIARS INTIARS works as part 33 of the big orcestreal in Brussels PAP / Wiktor DąBKowski25126522 | Purchase of money in MTC staff in MTP Meeting in Meptn Muz Mid Meeting, Finally the 33rd of the great christmas of Christmas Wishes | Pap33. Wośp End – Warsaw Leszek Szymunti: Pap / Marakov Street Movies “Foundation Pap” PAP / łukasz GąGisskigFolfolden Retriegy Collect For a large Christmas of Christmas TV24 TVNh24 TVNh24-TV24 TVNнs, within the fragment of the Great Orchestra in Brussels | Wiktor DąBKowski / Papwrocochaw has a new DWARF – WOśPKA | PAP / Maciej Kulczyński Senate Maea Magdal Biejat Treats Wow Warsaw PAP / PAWE_ Supernakacaza “Forerers for a large Christmas donation orchestra of Jesus” as part of 33-final part of the Great ORC, 264. At the Solaris Shopping Center in Operol Krzyztzfi świderki / Papkijki to contact Kobełka with a large nationality of Warsaw2 / papbramy in the team in the end of 33rd of the big orcester. 2 / Offer. Watching an alternative 2004 / Hanni Wousing from Housemit24 / agnieszkers calls24 Contacts. / Tomekc33. WOśP – Chomęcice staff, Contact Composance. / Sławapgdynia for orchestra | Contact. / ARHORWIHIłko to heaven at the 33th largest orchestrue in Bowishsho Pap / PAWEł: Final WOBP PAP / Lesazek SzymaSki33. Final WOśP Pap / Paweł Supernak
Within 32 finals, a large Christmas of Christmas collected by 2,3 billion, which collected by 74.5 thousand different medical devices. In the majority of the fourthals orchestra to improve the quality of health services for children. But not only. The past two years have conducted collection over the past two years: in 2023 to combat the sepsy and year 2024 – to treat the lungs.
Main photos: PAP / leszek SzymaSki