This year, the 80th anniversary of liberal of the concentration camp of Nemis Nemis is an easy. Concentralization and destruction camp, which is called “Death Factory” also acted in 1940-1945. Exciting memories of survivors survived from hell are collected by PAP and AFP agencies. – After reaching the oyendentim, my father would have committed to work and sent us the German soldiers to wear to it. Washed us and rose clothes. The next day we took my first food at night – a bowl of soup. A bowl for four people, teaspoon. They said: You are not better than dogs. Eat. We did it. Later, I often dreamed that they would treat me and their dogs, but not so, ted the top, a survivor of destruction. – The whole family killed all my family in a concentrative camp in February 1943. It’s after a terrible and terrible hunger in Getho, when they were brought there, saved and afp year. – We lived in the great way based on a great happiness, the moment we did not think that we were exposed to a courtyer, it should be passed through. We will never say “no”, even one moment, admiting Even Erban, survived. In oynzim, Germany, was at least 1 million 100,000 people, mainly the Jews. Lager was released on January 27, 1945. On this day, the international News of Holokh is celebrated around the world. Pap video materials.