Today’s weather. It will rain and snow on Thursday, January 9. Very strong winds occur, sometimes reaching more than 100 kilometers per hour.
It is cloudy on Thursday. In addition, it rained 3-6 liters per square meter, in some places, especially in the west, up to 7-12 l/m/sq. In the north and at the beginning in the center of the country, it will snow and turn into rain (in the morning it may freeze in places). It is raining all over the country. In the second part of the day, clear weather is expected from the south-west direction.
Thermometers show temperatures up to 2-3 degrees in the north, 6-7 degrees in the center of the country, and 9-11 degrees in the south. The wind blows slowly and moderately from the south. Sometimes its speed reaches 40 kilometers per hour, 60-70 kilometers in the foothills, and more than 100 kilometers per hour in the highlands.
Weather forecast at Perş
Biometric Requirements – Thursday, January 9
Air humidity ranges from 85 to 95 percent during the day. In northern Poland, the weather will be cool and humid, while residents of other regions will feel comfortably warm. Biometeo conditions will be unfavorable.
Biometeo conditions on Thursday
Today’s weather – Warsaw
Thursday in Warsaw will be mostly cloudy, raining (snowing first), sometimes freezing in the morning. In the afternoon, a gradual decrease in precipitation is expected. In the hottest part of the day, it warms up to 6 degrees. The wind blows slowly and moderately from the south. The pressure gradually decreases and reaches 990 hPa in the afternoon.
Weather for today – Gdansk, Gdynia, Sopot
Residents of Gdansk, Gdynia and Sopot have a cloudy Thursday. In the second part of the day, total snowfall will increase and turn into rain. The thermometer shows a maximum of 2 degrees Celsius. The wind blows from the south, moderate and weak. The pressure gradually decreases and reaches 1001 hPa in the afternoon.
Today’s weather – Poznań
Heavy and completely cloudy weather is forecast for Poznan on Thursday. At first, it snows and then turns to freezing rain, which quickly turns into rain. In the afternoon, a gradual decrease in precipitation is expected. The thermometer shows a maximum temperature of 7 degrees, the wind blows slightly from different directions. The pressure is decreasing and will reach 989 hPa in the afternoon.
Today’s weather – Wroclaw
Residents of Wrocław will have a completely cloudy Thursday, gradually reducing to heavy to moderate clouds. At first, the rain will decrease a little. The maximum temperature will be 11 degrees. The wind blows from the south and is moderate. The pressure gradually decreases and reaches 986 hPa in the afternoon.
Today’s weather – Krakow
Cloudy to partly cloudy and rainy in Krakow on Thursday. In the afternoon, a gradual decrease in precipitation is expected. The thermometer shows a maximum temperature of 8 degrees. The wind will be variable and weak. The pressure gradually decreases and reaches 980 hPa in the afternoon.
Road conditions on Thursday
Main photo source: PAP/Wojtek Jargiło