It is impossible to build a lawless state without the help of obedient lawyers, said judge Igor Tuleja, a member of the Polish Judges’ Association on TVN24 on Wednesday. He explained the report of the National Prosecutor’s Office on the audit of cases during the period of the United Right Government in 2016-2023. After analyzing 200 cases, the team found violations in 163 of them.
The proposal of the National Prosecutor’s Office concerns, among other things, the “two towers” cases, the Beata Szydlo accident, the Kwasniewski villa and the Lotos group. The report also includes recommendations on the need to initiate or continue the case, if possible, as well as the application of disciplinary or criminal liability against the prosecutors.
Commenting on the report of TVN24, Judge Igor Tuleya pointed to the issue of punishment of the judicial community during the time of Zbigniew Ziob as the Minister of Justice and Prosecutor General.
“obedience forced”
– Minister Ziob created a system that was very useful for putting pressure on judges and lawyers, because in addition to disciplinary prosecutors, the presidents of the courts brought us portfolios, who also had the opportunity to make life miserable for judges, – he explained.
– It is impossible to establish a chaotic state without the help of obedient lawyers, and this obedience was often forced by disciplinary or criminal proceedings, – he said.
Tuleya also talked about the trial and the prosecutors who betrayed their oath. – Referring to the words of the former minister, Mr. Ziyab: there is no sacred cow. Everyone, regardless of whether he is a prosecutor, judge or politician, should be held accountable in case of violation of the law or unethical behavior, he said.
– Judges who behaved ethically should be subject to disciplinary action. And those who violated the current law and committed a crime should be brought to the prosecutor’s office and then to an independent court, he added.
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Tuleya: Minister Ziobro created a system that was very useful for putting pressure on the judges
Tuleya on “corruption of some institutions”
To the question about the death of Zbigniew Ziobro’s father, which is also in this report, Tuleya said that “the state cannot be someone’s private farm”. – This trial or the trial that was conducted against judge Pilarczyk is a symbol of how corrupt certain institutions were and how deep they require treatment, – he said.
Already after PiS came to power in 2016, the involvement of the local branch of the National Prosecutor’s Office in Kraków in the case of the death of Jerzy Ziobro led to a trial as a public indictment, and assistant prosecutors became assistant prosecutors. . Changes to the rules that allowed for such behavior already came into effect during the Commonwealth of Nations. In this case, the doctors of the Jagiellonian University Hospital in Krakow, where Zbigniew Ziob’s father died, were accused.
The district court proceedings from 2013 were conducted by Judge Agnieszka Pilarczyk of the District Court of Kraków-Środmiescie. Before the end of the trial, the prosecutor requested that the judge Pilarczyk be removed in connection with the initiation of the investigation of the circumstances related to the commission of the additional expert opinion, which cost PLN 372,000.
Judge Tuleya also referred to the “two towers” case. – A strange situation, but a very sign of these times, which we hope are over. Any person called as a witness must appear and testify. It is strange that the investigators who were conducting the trial at that time did not want to question these key figures. This clearly indicates some injustice in these proceedings, he said.
On January 29, 2019, “Gazeta Wyborcza” published the first recording of a conversation between PiS President Jarosław Kaczynski and Austrian businessman Gerald Birgfelner about the plan to build two skyscrapers in Warsaw by the PiS-affiliated company Srebrna. Investigators suspected that the PiS president had committed a crime when he allegedly failed to pay for an order from an Austrian businessman in connection with preparations for the construction. It was stopped by the prosecutor’s office headed by Zbigniew Ziobrow.
READ ALSO: How did Ziob’s prosecutor’s office work? There is a partial report
Main photo source: TVN24