Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan was injured in his residence. The actor was taken to the hospital where he underwent surgery and his life is no longer in danger. It is said that this incident happened during a fight between Khan and the thief.
Saif Ali Khan was stabbed to death on Thursday at his home in Mumbai, where he lives with his family. Police said the actor was injured in a fight between him and a thief who broke into his house shortly after midnight. “There was an altercation between Khan and the attacker,” said Mumbai Deputy Commissioner of Police Dixit Gedam.
The police did not provide further details of the incident. – We ask for patience from the media and fans. This is the job of the police, said the commissioner. The Indian newspaper “Hindu Time” writes that the thief escaped after several stabbings and has not yet been arrested.
The famous actor was injured with a knife in his own home
Saif Alikhan was quickly taken to the Lilavati hospital by his son. The actor’s team released a statement saying, “Khan underwent surgery and his life and health are no longer in danger. He is now recovering and doctors are monitoring the process.”
Dr. Nitin Dange of Lilavati Hospital told reporters that the actor “suffered a serious spinal injury in the thoracic region due to a stab wound to his spine.” – An operation was performed to remove the knife and restore the cerebrospinal fluid. He added that the team of plastic surgeons also treated two deep wounds on the left hand and one wound on the neck.
The attack on the Bollywood star has had a wide response in India. According to “The Hindu”, Nana Patole, president of Maharashtra Congress, whose capital is Mumbai, said that the attack on the artist is an example of “disruption” of law and order in Maharashtra. He added that the state chief minister should resign because “who can feel safe in this city if such incidents happen in Mumbai’s busy Bandra district?”
Saif Ali Khan – Kim Jest
Saif Ali Khan is a very famous and respected actor in India. He made his Bollywood debut in 1993 and is currently mostly known for romantic comedies and action films. He has won numerous industry awards, including seven Filmfare Awards, which are given annually to Indian actors and filmmakers. The award ceremony is considered one of the most important film events in the country.
Khan’s wife Kareena, who is also an actress, hails from the Karpur family, which has been active in many branches of Bollywood for nearly a century. This couple has two children.
Saif Ali Khan Divyakant Solanki/EPA/PAP
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Main photo: Divyakant Solanki/EPA/PAP