The aforementioned units left the Baltic Sea at the beginning of February, where they were escorted by Triton Fregata, of the HDMS Triton class, belonging to the Royal Navy. In the North Sea, Russian ships were accompanied by German patrol boats Bamberg and Neustadt.
Since the Mediterranean Sea left b-261 noworosyjsk, we headed north towards the Baltic Sea after swimming in the Strait of Gibraltar, but Russia had no submarines in this water. Previously, the units were stationed in Syria’s port of Tartus, but in December, Russians left this sea base after the collapse of Bashar al-Assad regime.
Russia. Russian submarines’ distracting movements
This is a Russian marina on the Syrian coast and a crew of the Krasnodar ship that fired several rockets piloted for the purposes of the Islamic State (ISIL) in the Iraq and Palmra region of Syria in the summer of 2017. He is also well known to his staff. .
See “Amazing Days for the American Team.” Belarus released three political prisoners
It is not clear whether the aforementioned submarines are planning to carry out a “demonstration” cruise or whether it will work properly in Mediterranean waters.
Media: You can become a “Demonstration” cruise
However, in the editor’s opinion, the second scenario has little chance of success. With the loss of Tartus’ bases, each Russian submarine located in the Mediterranean must remain in the sea, possibly a short stop at friendly ports in Algeria and Libya.
See: Russia is expanding its Army. Wołodymyr Zelanski: Putin can go to Poland
The point is that Tartus is the only one outside of Moscow’s Russia, and can maintain the submarine with diesel-electric power. This is cheaper and often quieter than nuclear-powered vessels, but requires regular fueling. The drive is also equipped with the mentioned Krasnodar.
Syria. The collapse of the Assad regime and the Russian ships
“In reality, Russian submarines with traditional drives spend most of their time at ports, which means they are not protected from their presence in the Mediterranean,” says Navy experts in Belgium, Belgium. Frederick Van Lokellen said according to the Navals page.
At present, at least two western nuclear submarines, USS Indiana and UK HMS Anson, are also in the Mediterranean.
Novoroshizik and Krasnodar both belong to the Russian Black Sea Fleet, their headquarters are located in Sebastopol. Both ships were stationed in the Mediterranean at the beginning of the Ukrainian glass invasion, which was unable to return to their home port in the Black Sea. Turkey – referring to the custom of 1936 – blocks the crossing of the channel to the ships of the war-led country.
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