Weather for today, February 22. On Saturday we can wait for Aura cheerful and even sunny sunshine. In therometers, we see a maximum of 9 degrees.
On Saturday, in most countries, Aura promises to be happy and sunny. Sometimes sometimes in Poland East may be moderate and large clouds. Will not rain. The maximum -1/0 degree temperature in the area of the country, up to 4/6 degrees, in the center of the country, it reaches 8/9 degrees in silkia, 8/9 degrees. Southeast Southeast wind will be moderate. In the mountains, his skin can reach 50-80 kilometers per hour.
Biostetological conditions – Saturday, 22.02
The type of weather reaches 30-60 percent. The southwest will warm and cool in the rest of the country. The terms of the root biology will be.
Biological conditions on SobotęTę
Weather for Today – Warsaw
The Saturday, weather and sunshine will be performed in Warsaw. Thermometers reaches maximum 4 degrees CC in noon 1018 HPA.
Weather for today – tri
In GDULI, GDAS and SOPOT, joy and even Aura’s sun. In the thermometers we see a maximum of 5 degrees that are moderate winds from Southern directions. At the afternoon, pressure will be 1026 HPA.
Weather for Today – Poznań
The barn will be sunny on Saturday. The maximum temperature will be 7 degrees C. moderate a moder of the southern south. At the afternoon, the boometers will show 1015 HPA.
Weather for Today – Wrockaw
The residents of the counterpiling can expect the sunshine on Saturday. The maximum temperature reaches 8 degrees C. Mining moderate winds, southeastern winds. At the afternoon, we will see 1010 HPA in the afternoon.
Weather for Today – Krakov
In Krakov, Saturday is marked by the sun. In the thermometers we see maximum 6 degrees C. Wareness cast and stable, eastern. At the afternoon, the boometers will show 1002 HPA.
Work conditions on SacotęTę
Main photos: RSOLL / Adobestok