Record of bloodshed from Belgorod, Russia. One of the Russians living there recorded the moment the drone crashed into the residential building. Reuters shared his material and also showed recordings that were circulated on Russian-language Telegram channels. First, you may hear a characteristic drone sound, followed by a high-pitched sound. A witness of the impact was walking on the sidewalk nearby and recorded the moment of the explosion with his phone. As a result of the explosion, several apartments in a multi-storey building were damaged and a fire broke out. According to Vyacheslav Gladkov, the governor of the Belgorod region, the emergency services quickly took steps to control the situation and evacuate the residents. According to the Reuters news agency, at least four people were injured in the attack, but no deaths were reported. The Russians believe it was a Ukrainian drone, so local authorities declared a state of emergency in the city after the attack to protect civilians and repair damage.
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