Author: 5hspx

Olive Enokido Lineham, OSINT ProducerUkrainian officials have remained tight-lipped about Operation Kursk, but footage of the various units on Telegram offers a glimpse into who is involved and where they are located inside Russia. Geolocated footage posted online over the past two days shows Ukrainian military forces in Suzha and Dalino in the Kursk region, close to the Russian-Ukrainian border. One video shows three soldiers from Ukraine's 225th Separate Assault Battalion lowering a Russian flag outside a school in the village of Dalino, less than five kilometers from the border. The battalion is a unit of the Ukrainian Ground Forces…

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ROANOKE, Va. (WDBJ) – Technology is constantly evolving, and weapons detectors and other advanced security systems have become a hot topic when it comes to school safety.While these are great tools, both Roanoke City and Roanoke County Public Schools told WDBJ7 they need to go back to basics when it comes to school safety.”You can have all the security measures you want — metal detectors, weapons detectors, at the end of the day it's still people,” said Chris Perkins, chief operating officer for Roanoke City Schools. Perkins stressed that while schools have weapons detectors and other technology installed for safety,…

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GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — More than 80 school safety experts from across the Kent Independent School District came together to help solve a growing problem among young people.The Hope Network provided a day-long evidence-based training on youth mental health first aid.The curriculum helps train staff to recognize common signs and symptoms of mental health issues.”Looking at what they look like, if they're coming to school, if their behavior has changed, if they're suddenly becoming more withdrawn, and noticing those differences and helping those around them understand are some of the resources and ways to get these individuals the support that…

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A recent survey by a British online mortgage advisor found that the majority of the world's most beautiful cities are in Europe, with European cities taking nine of the top 10 spots. The ranking is based on the number of buildings that conform to the “golden ratio,” a mathematical principle that architecture has long used to create balanced, harmonious structures. Venice voted the most beautiful city in the world Topping the list is Venice, Italy, with 83% of its buildings conforming to the Golden Ratio. The city's winding canals and eclectic architecture have long drawn visitors, and the ranking provides…

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Equipped with the latest computing, networking and graphics processing capabilities, as well as support for H.264/H.265 formats, modern video wall solutions make it easy to distribute content across any number of displays to create a single expansive canvas.Combined with low-bandwidth encoders/decoders capable of streaming H.264/H.265 content with ultra-low latency, this video wall technology raises the bar for flexible delivery of high-quality video and graphic data in command centers, control rooms, large-scale advertising and public information displays, and more. Representing the next step in video wall controllers, products such as the Matrox Mura DVW, a fully IP-based 4K video solution, allow…

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Courtesy of Taylor Company Workforce is a hot topic in the restaurant industry, especially when it comes to recruiting and retention. Staff turnover is constant. With new hires continually coming in, one of the biggest challenges is training replacements for key roles like grill operators. With a traditional grill, employees place products, flip them periodically, and rely on visual cues to determine if the products are cooked. Different cooks may interpret doneness differently. For example, one person's medium rare may not align with another's. This variability can lead to inconsistent quality and menus. But modern grilling technology gives you a…

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By Kenrick Kaye and Max A. CharneyMOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. — Alphabet Inc.'s Google on Tuesday unveiled a new lineup of Pixel smartphones with deeper integration of artificial intelligence technology as it pushes forward with efforts to build AI into its hardware.The upgrade includes a Pixel-exclusive feature that lets you search for information stored in screenshots. Android users can also summon Gemini, Google's chatbot, as an overlay on top of another app to answer questions or generate content.”We've seen a lot of promises and coming soons when it comes to AI, but not enough real-world utility, which is why we're seeing…

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MONTPELIER, Vt. (WCAX) – John Rogers won the Republican primary for Vermont lieutenant governor Tuesday night.With about 30% of the votes counted, the Associated Press reported that Rogers was leading Republican opponent Gregory Thayer by about 60%.Rogers, who was born and raised on a dairy farm in the Northeast Kingdom, previously served in the House and Senate as a moderate Democrat but recently switched parties, arguing the party had moved too far to the left, leaving him and other moderates behind. A former member of the Senate Natural Resources Committee, he says state bills, especially those related to the environment…

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Q. My son’s fiancée left 18 months ago with their two young children. The relationship had many issues including immaturity, mental health, and drinking problems. When he asks for visitation he is told “no” and rarely sees his children. He doesn’t send notes, call, or video chat with them. He refuses to consult with an attorney and his mother has not sought support. But he is bitter, angry, and victimized. I missed my grandchildren so a year ago I started making arrangements for my children to meet with the other grandmother. My mother prefers all communication to be through her.…

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Asian markets are poised to jump on Wall Street's rally after the latest U.S. inflation data raised hopes that the Federal Reserve may finally ease monetary policy in September. Futures in Tokyo, Hong Kong and Sydney are showing encouraging signs after a sharp rally on Tuesday, when regional benchmarks surged to pre-Aug. 5 sell-off highs. This is not just a bounce, suggesting the soft landing thesis is not just wishful thinking. After briefly flirting with recession fears last week, core optimism remains strong, with a more than 50 percent chance of the Fed cutting interest rates by 50 basis points…

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