Independence march passes through Warsaw. The event, except for the ubiquitous fireworks, is now going on quietly – also reported by the capital's government. WP reporter Jakub Buynik spoke with the Deputy Speaker of the Seimas Krzysztof Bosak in the crowd. “The march is not over yet, but I hope that it will be peaceful until the end,” Bosak told Virtual Polska. In the parade – despite the ban, fireworks appeared, which were previously banned and regularly appear at the event. – There are always fireworks. Let's just say it's a dead law. These rules are stupid, said the head of the Confederation. Yakub Buzhnik also asked Bosak whether politicians of all stripes should be present at the march. – This is an independence march. They are for strengthening this independence. There are movements that believe in different movements, a kind of “Eurofederalism”. There is a whole group of people who support it. I think they are wrong. The march is for those who want the traditional identity of the nation and an independent state, he said.
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