The Belgian airspace is closed, “Reuters said. As added for the reason, there is a technical defect of SKEYES Air Control.
“Because of the technical problem of air traffic control, Belgium air traffic is currently impossible. I don’t know how long it takes.”
SKEYES spokesman told local VRT senders that it “not functioning properly” from local time on the local air control system used to manage Belgium’s airspace.
Belgium. Harvest all aircraft. Reasons for technical negligence
He added that all aircraft (about 7,500 meters high) operated in the airspace controlled by Skeys at the time had been redirected to neighboring countries.
As a result, there are no airplanes that are currently landing or starting at major airports in domestic airports, including Brussels, Antwerp, Ostend, Charloy, and Liege airports.
This situation has nothing to do with the atmosphere disaster in the United States.
Detailed information.
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