Radio Free Europe’s Bulgaria editor has notified you of the results of the vote. 204 Members of Parliament voted in favor of the declaration.
“In the declaration, the Parliament aims to continue the policy of the Republic of Bulgaria, continue the conflict and find a lasting peaceful solution, using diplomatic means, in favour of peaceful international conflicts. We call on the Prime Minister to promote the initiatives that have been made.” – Read the Communique.
“The document appeals for the achievement of permanent and fair peace in Ukraine, and the inclusion of all countries directly interested in establishing and maintaining security and stability in Europe, including Bulgaria, in the negotiation process.” He added.
The document was voted despite clear declarations from Secretary of Defense Atanas Invian and Foreign Minister George Georgeev, who assured Bulgaria would not participate in Ukraine’s military missions.
-We support the declaration that we will not send an army, even if someone demands something from our army. What is already said in this declaration, we repeat that – said Tom Baikou, the representative of the Garb Party.
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According to a journalist at Bulgarian Editorial Office of Bulgarian Radio Free Europe, the decision of the Parliament is explicitly a response to the activities of Russian political parties. Already during the 2023 election campaign, the topic was raised by politicians of the Wasurazdane group, among other things.
President Lumen Radeu also spoke of “concerns” about sending Bulgarian soldiers to Ukraine.
“As Commander-in-Chief, I am adamantly opposed to sending soldiers to Ukraine in all ways,” he said.
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