A giant hambag attempted to swallow a canoeing off the coast of Chile. Luckily, the man stayed with a whale whale for a moment, then he was spitted out. “I thought I was dead,” the canoeist said after the entire incident. His father managed to capture a horrifying moment.
24 -YEAR -old Adrian Symanca and his father Dell swam near the San Igidro Lantern in the Strait of Magellan off Chile when the Hambach was suddenly destroyed – Skynew said.
The animal grabbed a kayak and Adrien in its mouth and soaked it for a few seconds. After a while, he slowly released the canoe.
He was in the whale’s mouth. “I thought I was dead.”
With the kayak just a few metres away, Dell recorded the entire event. In the video you can hear him screaming at his already released son.
– I thought I was dead. I thought he had a whale – Adrian said. He added that only when he returned to the surface could real fear overwhelm him.
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Within seconds, Adrian managed to reach her father, and both of them returned to the field safely.
Whale whale canoeist
In Chilean waters, whales rarely attach themselves to humans, but increasingly, the death of these animals can occur after collisions with commercial vessels. Over the past decade, the resulting whales have also become a problem.
See: Whale attacked people and boats. The recording has been distributed
In 2021, American diver Michael Packard found himself in Hunbach’s mouth for 40 seconds. He only had a dislocated his knee as a result of an incident off the coast of Massachusetts.
The hump measures 15 meters and weighs 36 tons. Their world population is estimated to be 60,000.
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