Can Viktor Orbán lose power? A few months before the elections, the opposition party is leading in the elections for the first time in the last 14 years. It dominates in the capital and is gaining support in big cities.
October 23 is the anniversary of one of the most important events in post-war Europe. This is the anniversary of the uprising in Hungary – a bloody revolution that expressed the desire to break away from Soviet rule. Now – according to the country's prime minister Viktor Orbán – the nation must fight again, but this time with Brussels.
– We will not tolerate them turning into a puppet state, a servant of Brussels. they will not succeed, they will not defeat us, we will win and they will be defeated, said the Prime Minister of Hungary.
During the celebration, Orbán accused the European Union of trying to overthrow his government and impose it on Hungary. – Brussels announced that it will get rid of the Hungarian government. He announced that he wanted to establish a puppet government. The old question returns again: do we bow to the will of foreigners, this time to the will of Brussels, or do we resist? This difficult decision awaits Hungary now, he said during his speech.
The prime minister, who has been ruling the country for 14 years, is indeed facing serious challenges, but not from foreign political forces, but from internal party polls. They show that citizens are tired of the current government. This is the first such poll with the participation of declared voters in years, in which the ruling Fidesz party is in second place. The opposition TISHA led by Peter Madyar is leading with a two percent advantage.
SEE MORE: Hungary hasn't had a poll like this for years
– The current leader of our country is a person who, like the heroes of the 1956 uprising, demanded the withdrawal of Russian troops in 1989. But today, with almost all his actions and every thought, he dishonors the legacy of the Hungarian uprising, which is the basis of Hungary's freedom and constitution, says Petr Magyar.
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Magyar has been associated with Fidesz in the past
Peter Magyar's speech and then the opposition march drew 10,000 people. TISZA means respect and freedom in Polish. It became active again this year and took part in the European Parliament elections, winning about 30 percent of the vote. Already on the night of the election, the head of the party threatened the prime minister from the stage. – This is the Waterloo of his kingdom, this is the beginning of the end, ladies and gentlemen, – said Magyar.
Peter Magyar, leader of the Hungarian opposition party TISZAPAP
Magyar has been associated with Fidesz in the past and privately with the former Minister of Justice. He distanced himself from the current government, accusing it of misappropriating European funds and not taking advantage of the opportunity to join the European Union.
– Apart from the very dedicated opposition voters, no one felt that Fidesz had any competition. This could be a new boost for voters who oppose Orbán, but also for voters who are disillusioned with him or who are not politically literate. They see that there is someone they can talk to, says Robert Laszlo, an analyst at the Political Capital think tank.
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TISZA has been organizing numerous anti-government rallies for months and does not slow down the pace of movement even for a moment. In early October, the party leader asked state television to cover them and allow the growing force to speak in the media space. – We are here to force the state television to open up to the opposing views of the government and to spread these views to those who do not have access to other media, said one of the demonstrators.
Reuters reminds that during the 14 years of Orbán's rule, no opposition party has been able to shake Fidesz's position, and Fidesz wants it to stay that way. Since 2010, Orbán has restructured the electoral process so that no one can threaten him. He has a constitutional majority, has taken over almost all the media and has created an oligarchic system that only feeds his own people. The next test of its stability will be the parliamentary elections scheduled for early 2026.
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Main photo source: PAP/EPA/JAKUB GAVLAK