The Grand Orchestra of Christmas finale is not only a collection of volunteers, but also auctions. WP reporter Jakub Bujnik, who is in the WOŚP studio in the Błonia Park of the National Stadium in Warsaw, talked to Monika Graczyk, the author of the portrait of Jurek Owsiak, who is once again putting his work up for auction at WOŚP. He also found that two auctions are currently the most popular: a meeting with Omena Mensah and Rafal Brzoska, whose share in Spain is offered on the weekend with the possibility of playing golf and “a cleaning service for the house or apartment” offered by the actor Machey. Musial. – The first auction has already exceeded 280 thousand. PLN, second PLN 125,000. This is the ceiling for the most stable – a WP reporter heard. – What else interesting can you suggest? Buzhnik asked. – For example, the space centers of astronauts, you can watch the sky in Tenerife, you can cook, dance, sing, exercise. You can choose any color – representatives of Allegro, where the auction is held. The WP reporter also spoke with the owner of the painting, Jurek Owsiak, who put it up for auction. – “Jurek Ovsiak’s High School” is a picture he painted 52 years ago, in 1973, when he was studying at the high school of economics, in the last year of high school. He painted it for my mother. With this painting, he wanted to prove that he would be an artist, he said. He said that “this picture is priceless for him, but the goal is important.”
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