I would like to tell all the members of the International Olympic Committee who will decide in the IOC about the role of the president in making changes to the Law on Sports, – said Slavomir Nitras, Minister of Sports in “Facti po Factach” on TVN24. He stated that Andrzej Duda was “against the entire sports community” by sending the bill to the Constitutional Court.
At the end of December, President Andrzej Duda decided to send the amendment of the Sports Law to the Constitutional Court. His doubts were raised by the method of selecting some new members of the board of sports associations in Poland and the punishments proposed by the legislator.
Nitrous in a sports act: we have been preparing it for a year
The President’s decision was explained on TVN24 in “Fact by Factach” by Minister of Sports Slavomir Nitras from the Civil Alliance. He recalled that he announced that he would send a letter to the International Olympic Committee explaining the assumptions of the Sports Act.
– I am preparing, I want to do well. I wanted it (the letter – ed.) to be free of any purely temporary and political factors and it was only an idea of relations, because we agreed on this, he said.
– I explained to them (KBO representatives – ed.) what this law is about and how long we have been working on it. By the way, I would like to refute the information that came from Mr. President: it is a lie, it is a lie that this bill was prepared quickly, suddenly, on my knee. We have been working on this project for a year. “For six months, we consulted with all interested parties, including the Polish Olympic Committee and sports associations, and the president can participate in these consultations,” continued the Minister of Sports.
– We have been preparing this act for a year. I was able to mobilize the sports community around him, – added the guest of TVN24.
Nitras: the president went against the entire sports community
Nitras also pointed to the fact that in December of this year, the presidency of the Polish Olympic Committee accepted the recommendation of Andrzej Duda as a member of the International Olympic Committee.
– Before the vote, I will inform all members of the International Olympic Committee that they will decide by letter who will represent Poland in the International Olympic Committee, what role the president played in this process, – he said.
Nitras also stated that “the president went against the entire sports community.” – He forbade solving issues that were very important for athletes, for members of national teams, for pregnant women, for women in relationships, for players in relationships. The world, the opinion of the international community and the sports opinion should understand what role the president played in this process, – added the Minister of Sports.
Main photo source: tvn24