The share of energy from renewable sources, including biofuels in transport, should be less than 15 percent by 2030 – according to the bill on biofuels, which was adopted by the government on Tuesday.
On Tuesday, the first meeting of the government in 2025 was held, where the draft document on the amendment of the Law on Biocomponents and Liquid Fuels and some other documents was adopted.
The project envisages increasing the share of energy from renewable sources, including biofuel, in transport to 14.9 percent. in 2030
The project aligns Polish law with the EU directive on promoting the use of energy from renewable sources. The new rules allow alternative fuels (for example, biomethane) as well as, among other things, electricity from renewable energy sources.
The proposed rules will take effect on April 1, 2025.
Project assumptions
The draft also defines intermediate goals, provided that the so-called National Indicative Goal (NCW), that is, the minimum share of energy from renewable energy sources in transport, should be 9.2% in 2025 and 10% in 2026-2029. NCW is the minimum share of biofuels and other renewable fuels used in all modes of transport in the total volume of liquid fuels and liquid fuels used annually in road and rail transport.
According to the law, the implementation of the renewable energy goal is achieved through the use of bio-components derived from raw food or animal feed. Advanced bio-based components produced from raw materials waste or residues and from renewable electricity.
The project adopted by the government completes this list, including: o liquid and gaseous carbon fuels, recycled gaseous carbon fuels. Biomethane, including biomethane that is fed into the gas network and sent to stations for final consumption, for example bioCNG for traffic, can also be a fuel that enables the implementation of NCW.
In the project, it is planned that during the implementation of NIT, in addition to fuel and liquid fuel, aviation fuel and marine fuel will also be taken into account.
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