On Thursday, the two leading candidates in the race for the presidential office held a series of meetings. Karol Nawrocki took part in a meeting with a diplomatic corps organized by PiS. Rafał Trzaskowski was then transferred to Podlasie.
It was there that the mayor of Warsaw and Zenek Martiniuk met completely unexpectedly. Trzaskowski gave details in an evening interview on TVN24.
Presidential election. Mr. Trzaskowski meets with Mr. Martiniuk
-It was true. We were in the same place, in the same city in Bielsko (ed. Podlaski) – explained the KO politician. The interviewer explained that the gentlemen had dinner together.
Rafał Toczaskowski was full of praise for stage star Martiniuk, calling him “a very nice person.” – Surprise the editor, although today musical tastes are a little different, we used to listen to Troika (3rd program of Polish Radio – ed.) several decades ago – he continued.
When they were young, the two were supposed to record the biggest hits of the time on a boombox.
Trzaskowski in Podlasie. He met the disco polo star
On Thursday evening, Trzaskowski published on Instagram a short recording of the KO politician and Martiniuk sitting together at a table. – How did this happen? – asked an election candidate. “I don’t know,” the singer said, quoting the words of the hit song.
– Will there be a sequel? – asked Trzaskowski. “Time will tell,” Martiniuk concluded, referring to words he used in one of his interviews posted online.
Marshal Seim Simon Horounia on motion to exempt Mateusz Morawiecki from immunity/Polsat News/Polsat News