Tens of thousands of people took to the streets of Slovakia. Protesters clearly show that Robert Fico will not accept his visit to Moscow. The Prime Minister, in turn, shows that he does not accept those who do not accept him. He talks about inspiring applications from Ukraine and the USA, which is threatened by special services.
“Worker”, “Hands off our democracy” – loud and louder and more than the departure of the prime minister. – Robert Fico realized that the public did not like the December visit to Moscow. Therefore, it was created with the view that a coup is being prepared – Marian Kulch, the organizer of the peace initiative in Ukraine is being prepared.
Fico accuses the protesters and the opposition of trying to overthrow his government. – The special services confirm that in the territory of the Slovak Republic, which are active in the Maidan of Ukraine, they were financed by the funds of the United States – says the Prime Minister of Slovakia.
Also read: Fico accuses the opposition of the coup
The head of state refers to the report of the special services, according to which the mysterious group intends to occupy government buildings, block roads, cause a general shock and unrest in the country.
– It is extremely dangerous that the prime minister uses the special services to sow panic and focuses on his shortcomings – says Michal Himskov, the leader of the Slovak opposition.
– Robert Fico about the low ingasts and social emotions of this group of voters who believe in their secret theories – to the editor – – – – “Visggrad”, Society Foundation “.
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The report is compared with the activity of the Communication Service. The opposition ensures that the demonstrations are peaceful.
– We do not use the people to not be violent and to act rationally, while we fight Zuzana – The administration of citizens about the initiative “not in our country”.
Robert Fico does not listen to explanations and questions. They didn’t have firearms with them when they were on the Slovak-Ukrainian border? Could they not be contractors of the messengers to cause great tension? – Fico suggests.
See also: Orbán and fico robbers. “We are the main one”
In the pictures from Moscow last week you can see that in front of the Honorary Speaker of the Russian Parliament is the Honorary Speaker of the Slovak Parliament. This is one of the closest allies of the Slovak Prime Minister, the country can leave the European Union and NATO. Robert Fico Gaszppar defends and claims that, as the Warsaw Pact has disappeared, world events can consign the UN and NATO to history.
Tibor Gaager next to the proud Reate Chairman
– We want to be in the European Union and NATO, we don’t want to be associated with Russia and we want to help Ukraine – says Frantisk Valcha and one of the participants of the protests.
With the help of the coalition, the country is struggling with liberation. After the decision of the President of Ukraine to stop the transit of gas by Slovakia, the country does not receive its payment and FICO continues its changes. – He took political control of mass media. Now he wants to influence the private media and pull them by taking money from advertising. These other methods of Russia and Hungary – notes – Notes Tom Allaš, former NATO Amabussia in NATO, member of the Slovak National Council.
Opposition parties can vote for a vote of no confidence in the prime minister. Such large-scale protests seven years after the murder of investigative journalists The killing of investigative journalist Jankus led to the resignation of Prime Minister Robert Fico.
Main photo source: PAP / EPA / Jakub Gavlak