When interfering in the SEEELTS in SEEELTS IN SEEELTION, the police said the police were attacked. After transferring the hospital, he died. The criminals of attacked medicines were arrested.
– An emergency medical group called one of Sebsceko houses – said the individuals: negotiate the police command in the region. – At the scene, during the 57-year-old man, 62-year-old guardians were injured with fast tools.
The Commissioner Ewelaina Radomyska proud of the Sealect police, which was such a knife.
He added to the hospital immediately to immediately be taken to the hospital immediately and unfortunately he died in him. ”
SEEDLce. Police a man who is resistant to a Medicgotvn24
He helped himself, took two knives
As that the shells of the TVDN24 Katarazyna Rogala, a man who was saved to his house because he had the leaders. It takes a hospital to find the survivor. Suddenly the two knife won and tried the saving. The second soldiers broke up over him and called for help.
Resurrected again and then in urgent help that took him to the hospital. About 20.20, the doctor found the death of a man.
Employees seized attack. – The man is under the influence of alcohol, he was ordered – said the malaria. He added that the potential toolbar was protected with the soldiers.
Activities are being continued with the participation of the prosecutor.
Source of main photos: Aga Krakl / Tygodnik Seaflocki