On Tuesday, Poland was held by Hungarian Foreign Minister PITERS by Tuesday. He met, along with others with the Deputy Gentorophhal Crugishal Crugishal, Sustainable, a national movement). – What did you say about? – With such a question, patrii Michaskis became the Deputy Sahara, which was the Virtual Program of Virtual Program, Tłit “in the chart. – We talked mainly on international issues – said the Confederation’s Policy. He explained that there are many international policies, and the minister on this issue has a broad experience because he had been 11 years. – She meets many politicians that Poland diplomats do not meet. For example, some creaters show that and is right that he went to Russia several times. Thanks to this, he will consider us of us – he said. “Did you interrupt these meetings and go to Moscow?” – the nutrition of the self-given information. – I hate some, for Russia is doing in Ukraine. On the other hand, how to get in Ukraine? Divined divine. “Anyone should add and negotiate with this Russia.” According to him, each country has a position at the international convention. – The pastor had a position of state that does not talk to Russia. I am not sure that this is the most wise option. On the other hand, on the other hand, received the most likely state of the state – he said. Asked if the polands had as Hungary, he said that Poland had a qualification of the media, as it is involved in one side. ” Аммо дар фикри ӯ, ӯ оқилонаи муносибатҳои бо Русия номусоидро номувофиқ меҳисобад. – Ҳамин тавр, боздид аз яке аз вазирон ё муовинони вазирон дар Маскав барои шумо иҷозат дода мешавад? – Michalski пурсид. – Албатта ин қобили қабул аст. Аммо, саволе аз It’s necessary. I think that at the same time – said krzyztof bosak.