Tens of thousands of people have gathered in the central square of Slovaka capital, to resist the rules of the Prime Minister Vensita and openly with Russia. Show organizers assumed that 60,000 congregations who have accumulated in boards Wolnouci in Brissites. The Reuters Agency noted that there were four times more than the exhibition held for two weeks ago.
Even 60,000 people participated in protest of protest in the brislava that asked the resignation of the Prime Flate. Meetings that occurred on Friday in more than 20 cities, held at the motto of “Slovakia”. The maintenance of a support course was required in a foreign policy.
Even if this information has been too much, Friday display may be more than churches that have been provided with the upper resignation from the task in 2018. Then the protests began after the killing of the journalist Ze natural and her wedding.
The mode Agency is estimated that the current protest is four times more than the previous display, which was held for two weeks ago.
The current wave of demonstration from the trip of Słwacki Prime Minister December 22, 2024 became Putin in Moscow and his conversation in the Kradimir with Vladimir.
Anti-Characterophes in Batiesavitak shermakavitaks / Pap / EPA
Protest in Britava
In the One Roman in Britava, the organizers called the prime minister. Transparency that follows the law and denies any cooperation with Russia that requires a Ukraine’s war and human rights.
Also read: Protests will not be cut off in Slovakia. Prime Minister “Groups that are funded from abroad”
The exhibition of Friday sentenced on Friday joined security measures. The Prime Minister said the planned injection of the planned injection is part of the Coalition’s crime conscription.
Organizers responded to a quiet course in the display and payable for potential research. The police were reported to report the police and photographed the documents.
Protests turned quietly, although in a point at a moment and the sound system problem in the Wolnoości area in the city area at the city area in the city area at the city area. The organizers immediately reported to the participants that there was no Sabbatics. Subsequent material needs to take place within two weeks.
Main photos: Jakub Gavlak / pap / epa