Simon Omanik, a 19-year-old high school student in Bratislava, refused to shake hands with Slovak President Peter Pellegrini. He later explained his gesture by saying that he campaigned with the views of a politician. The head of state did not react to this gesture of the student.
On Monday, Peter Pellegrini met with a group of 35 high school students who won gold, silver and bronze medals in science Olympiads. Simon Omanik was among them. This 19-year-old young man won a bronze medal at the Central European Mathematics Olympiad.
The plan for the distribution of the award was that each student would approach the Minister of Education Tomas Drucker, take the award from him, shake his hand, move towards the president and repeat this gesture, and finally take a photo with the two politicians.
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The 19-year-old refused to shake the president’s hand
The Omani, dressed in a bow-tie suit with the colors of the Ukrainian flag affixed to it, shook hands with Minister Drucker, but when it was Pellegrini’s turn to repeat the gesture, he made light of it with his firm wave. hand that he did not intend to do this. The president, who extended his hand to him, did not react to this behavior and took a photo with this 19-year-old young man.
When asked about the reasons for his behavior, Omanik later revealed that this was his political manifestation. – I have personal and political problems with President Pellegrini, – the 19-year-old said in an interview with “Dennik N” newspaper. The student accused the politician of repeating “populist slogans” during the campaign and spreading “anti-Ukraine propaganda”.
According to local media, the students’ visit to the President’s Palace and the meeting with Pellegrini were included in the program at the last moment. At first, only Minister Drucker should meet with the Olympic winners. Journalists also mention that this is not the only case that happened recently. On Sunday, the famous actress Zdena Studenkova refused to accept the highest state award from Pellegrini. He justified his decision with the changes made by the government in the field of culture.
Peter Pellegrini Jaroslav Ozana/CTK/PAP
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