A large dumps of garbage in the cessation look like a monument to thee. Old clothes used in thousand tons of tons burning several dozen times burned, but municipal from the government to use the government. In this case something will change to put the waste owners in the court?
About 20 million kilograms of the old veins and four hosters to be a huge waste.
The prosecutor’s office blames members of a waste company and the representatives of the trash company to dress and managed by their storage, which is due to their storage and the environment, due to their storage. Like the cunning Wnunks from the district prosecutor’s office in SCuksk.
The head of the neighboring communist does not change her words because she has been poured from the whole European today. – From the newly signed writings with enrollment, therefore they also came from abroad – search awareness of searching for informed search for abroad.
It was and a real environmental bomb. Polamed polamfall fire on ridges disappear. Only in two years, there were 39, the number of 39 in 2021 and 2023. Fire appeared each or more days. – It is very rich. You must close the windows even in Siemiruay – said a significant resident of a significant.
Look as well: There were cases and imprisonment, but waste waste continues. “This place is life and health threats”
According to the prosecutor’s office, the reason for most fire was self-confidence. – In some cases, as it is said, the causes of this fires did. However, the prosecutor’s office was not defined by the prosecutor’s office – Pawea protected Pawea, informs of the district prosecutor’s office in Silsk.
Some MYSłovice led to other illegal remittances. Eliminate them 97 million Vakhsho Zullo Bojanowski / Facty Thann
A large cost of liquidation of the disposal
The absence of the poisonous substances from the veins, including nickel, copper and chrome to the soil. According to environmental protection staff, the sewerage and water consumption is now safe. But the disposal owners are still without original, although illegal storage fines are high.
– This is a million million somoni as a whole 250,000. Things are in death. We did not affect the moment we did not affect the moment – Beranka Cieblik from the regional inspection in GDAS.
Read as well as illegal waste, six people with charges
Explain why they don’t pay. – My client did not decide to explain to the prosecutor’s office. He also refused to answer the questions, informs Alexandra Mrotec, a representative of the defendant Anna K.
The cost of liquidation of waste is from 40 million. The laboratories do not help the accusation of accuse, because it is half of the budget. Nothing that is not considered to the government’s assistance. – We have a trash code as a connection. These are not dangerous wastes, so it also closed my way to obtain money – says a walking, Cediceca manager.
The accused faces up to 10 years in prison. Have already been banned from working unwanted business before proceeding.
Main photos: Fakty Thann