– Extra courses and funding is a big deal. You need to train and improve your skills to get a better job. – Increasing your competence always allows you to find a better job, change jobs faster, without having to change your place of residence or go abroad. I think it makes sense, our interviewees said when we asked them about the EU's idea of subsidizing vocational training. A new EU initiative aimed at co-financing vocational training under the European Social Fund will enable European citizens to improve their professional qualifications and reduce unemployment. Residents of Bialystok said that this is a good idea and should be implemented in EU member states. – I think the difference between people who don't go to college is even. – Very good, it's always worth upgrading your skills. – Good, because this will allow you to develop and find a job, – added passers-by. To learn more, watch the full survey. The material was developed in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance and Regional Policy from the Regional Development Fund.
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