Maciej Słomiński, Interia: Canada is called “the favourite country in the world” and a book under this title has also appeared. Meanwhile, Canadians recently booed the US national anthem before a hockey game. Was such a nervous response to your neighbor surprising to you?
Canadian journalist Toronto Star and author David Moscrop “Are you too stupid for democracy?”: – After the president takes over to Donald Trump, Canada is subject to new threats, annexations, habits and more It has become.
– In fact, we may have a nice opinion, but in the face of external threats, we can see that Canada isn’t that different from other countries. We immediately pulled out our reach for greetings, and the resources of kindness disappear in a flash. Previously, a similar situation occurred between 2003 and 2004 when Canada was strongly divided from the United States against the background of its invasion of Iraq.
How do you think Canadians are different from Americans?
-This complex issue was the subject of debate, research and debate before Canada acquired the nation. We are different and similar at the same time. It starts with a difference. Canada has very different rules for different arms, healthcare and regulations in the financial sector.
-On the other hand, as our closest neighbors, we absorb a large amount of American culture, watch the same film, listen to the same music, consume the same product, laugh at the same jokes, and deep military and economic connections there is. Quebec, Canada speaks French, but we can easily get along in English. To be honest, attempts to solve the problem of differences between Canada and the US have become one of the public’s obsessions.
Canada seems to be a stable democracy where politics does not cause excessive emotions from across the sea. It’s changed now, is Trump’s activities a subject of daily conversation?
– The US is Canada’s leading trading partner. Therefore, it is clear that the intention to introduce duties through the US is the main topic of interviews and media news. Until now, the majority of Canadians have lived a stable and prosperous life. This could change now.
– Citizens are worried and worried about the current situation. Uncertainty about the future prevails. This is probably the worst. If Trump actually introduces customs to Canadian goods, it requires a change in our response and the direction of economic policy.
What will this economic brawl end? What is the current state of the US economic threat to Canada?
– We are currently in the middle of a 30-day period when our duties have been suspended. In the meantime, Trump announced the introduction of its steel and aluminum duties. What will happen later? Who can know that? It’s difficult to keep up with the new US president. In my opinion, he is a madman.
Even if the probability of consolidation is minimal today, we cannot maintain idle state. Finally we are talking about the threat from the world’s most powerful nation.
~ David Moscrop from Canadian journalist Toronto Star
How can Canadians deal with threats and include their country as 51 in the US?
– There is no universal response, some mocks, others crying. Laughter is mixed with tears. If you ask about me, I’m worried. After all, we are not used to those who threaten sovereignty, but Canada is the second largest country in the world. We feel strong, but the times mean you have to prepare for everything. Even if the probability of consolidation is minimal today, we cannot maintain idle state. Finally we are talking about the threat from the world’s most powerful nation.
How does Canadian society see war in Ukraine?
– The Ukrainian community has been so strong in Canada for decades, and the more it is heading west towards the country, the more Canada supports Ukraine in this war for two reasons – in our society, the weaker it is The idea of supporting people is strong, and this is also due to the calculations of our politicians – they hope that the support of the Ukrainian case will be translated into election voices.
Justin Trudeau’s almost ten-year term as prime minister ends right in front of our eyes. Why did Canada decide to change its leader now?
– The answer is simple: time. Trudeau has overcome scandal and crisis, but it has affected his image. Ultimately, his departure was determined by an increase in the cost of living. People were tired and wanted to change.
For the past decade, Canada has been portrayed as a liberal paradise with many progressive initiatives made in the country. Was it just a skilled PR? How did your country change at that point?
– There is no single answer. I think that social security for citizens is at a higher level than in 2015, but it seems they can do more than that. A liberal utopia that was ultimately unenforced – this is how we remember the period of Justin Trudeau’s domination.
What will happen in Canadian politics now? This year, there will be a parliamentary election, and Trudeau’s successor will be selected.
– Conservatives seemed to win in the pocket, but the liberals could get new fuel after choosing another leader to replace Justin Trudeau. Probably Mark Carney (eds. Canada – edited by). The conservatives still lead in race, but the liberals are chasing them.
Canada is a state of immigration, but does the subject of migration exist in everyday political discourse?
-If you could show us one feature that connects all Canadians, I think it’s pragmatism. Even if I hear “it’s impossible,” I won’t accept it. Looking for solutions, not obstacles. So yes, migration exists in discourse, but not because of a threat to our lifestyle, but because of inappropriate housing, health policies and employment for the poor politicians.
– In other words, assimilation policies are too free for modern challenges. Immigration has created and still creates Canada, but assimilation only succeeds when national and local policies catch up with it.
Maciej Słomiński spoke
Schwapka from “Graffiti”: Without us, the Ukraine struggle would be extremely difficult/Porsat News/Porsat News/Porsat News