Wołodymyr Zelanski suggested that Russia exchange occupied areas. The Kremlin responded immediately, declaring, “It’s impossible.” – The Ukrainian troops are exiled from there. All whom we do not destroy, we will expel these areas – Dmitry Piekov added, and therefore mentioned the Kruski district, occupied by the Ukrainians.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Piekov said Wednesday that Russia would not talk about “exchanging its territory.”
“That’s not possible,” Piskou said, referring to the words of the Ukrainian president. On Wednesday, Wołodymyr Zielnski expressed that he is ready to exchange territory where parts of the Kursk region have returned by Ukraine in exchange for Ukrainian territory, which is now controlled by Russian troops.
Russia responded to Ukraine’s offer. “What we don’t destroy, we expel them.”
According to the Reuters agency, a Kremlin spokesman has ruled out the discussion of the subject of Russia exchanging “its territory.” He added: “The Ukrainian troops will be expelled from it. All we will not destroy, we will expel these areas.”
See: Young Ukrainians in the crosshairs of Russians. They want to mobilize even at 14 years old
Unexpectedly for Moscow, the Ukrainian army entered the Kursk region on August 6, 2024. One of the targets of this attack was explained to be to force Russians to transfer some troops from the occupied Donbas in eastern Ukraine to the area. Russia has been a Ukrainian invasion for nearly three years, and currently controls about 20% of Ukraine’s territory over 112,000 people. km2.
War in Ukraine. Alternatives to the Wołodymyr Zelanski Territories
On Wednesday, the Ukrainian president announced that in a possible peace conversation he was ready to propose that Russia exchange territory and return some of it. “We’re replacing one territory with another,” he said, adding that no part of Russia, the land of Ukraine occupying by Russia, has asked in return.
– All our territory is important and there is no prioritization – Zelanski explained.
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