Radosh crossing will be closed
Source: tvnwarszawa.pl As part of the renewal of the railway line between Wawer and Otwock, railway workers are removing parking spaces at railway stations. In total, there are more than 550 free parking spaces that allow you to leave your car near the station and continue your train journey.
In October, PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe announced a tender for the reconstruction of the Otwok line, which had been announced for many years. Three tunnels, one viaduct and the most important point of investment – two additional roads – will be built on the section from Vaver to Otvok. The whole work is a part of the reconstruction of railway number 7 from Warsaw to Lublin, the purpose of which is to increase the number of passengers of trains on this route.
Stations are closed
There are several popular parking lots near the shelters of the historic, winged railway station along the Otwok line.
A large number of cars (according to PKP PLC calculations – 165) can be accommodated in two stations of PKP Miedzezin. About 150 more places are located at Josefov station. There are a total of 150 cars in the parking lots in Michalin and Międzylesie, and there are also more than 100 parking spaces in the two PKP Radość parking lots. In total, there are about 565 free parking spaces in the plot planned for redevelopment.
Otvok line before reconstruction
Miedzilesi railway station
Source: PKP PLK
Warsaw Radosh station
Source: tvnwarszawa.pl
Passing in joy
Source: tvnwarszawa.pl
Passing in joy
Source: tvnwarszawa.pl
Passing in joy
Source: tvnwarszawa.pl
“Temporary stations”, as they are called by representatives of Polskie Linie Kolejowe, “will be closed due to the modernization of the railway line between Waver and Otwock – two additional tracks will be built in their place, which will allow to separate the traffic. suburban and intercity trains” – we read in the news from PLC.
Railway officials also announce the construction of a new station at PKP Świder, that is, where there are no designated places. “The parking lot will function as part of the park and ride (P+R) system. This will help us to solve the perennial problem of parking on the lanes of the neighboring streets,” wrote Jarosław Margielski, the mayor of Otwock on his social page. media, as the official of the local government said in the entry, the new parking lot is the result of several years of negotiations with the railway company, which led to changes in the project, which initially did not provide a parking lot at this location.
PKP Świder
Source: Otwok City Hall
Three years of difficulties
PLN 1.8 billion will be spent on the reconstruction of the Otvok line in the section from Anin to Otvok. The contract is due to be signed in 2025, and work will continue until 2028, which, given the scope of the work, seems like a very long time frame.
In addition to the construction of two additional roads, four railway crossings will be closed and tunnels will be built instead: in Radosh, on ul. Water girl; in Falenica at ul. Walcownica – Bystrzycka; in Josefov on ul. Cichej – Matejki and the viaduct on the border of Warsaw and Josefov on ul. Verbena – Bruckner.
“We will renovate eight stations, including those in Anin, Międzylese, Radosz, Międzyszyn, Mihalin, Shwieder and Josefow, as well as Falenica station. Each of them will be equipped with a modern information system for passengers. We also plan 20 stations. new underground crossings, including six in locations identified together with local governments, and the reconstruction of the existing crossing at Falenica station we are rebuilding bridges on the Svider River and building new bridges for the convenience of residents, acoustic screens covered with greenery will appear along the tracks,” PKP PLK said in a press release.
Ride in Falenica – photos from October
Source: tvnwarszawa.pl
In Falenica, the ramp from which the Germans deported 6,500 Jewish residents to the Treblinka extermination camp on August 20, 1942, will be moved to the eastern side of the station. This year, the building was included in the list of monuments of Masovian Voivodeship.
Author: aw
Source: tvnwarszawa.pl
Main photo source: tvnwarszawa.pl