Today's weather. On Sunday, December 22, it will rain in parts of the country and the wind will blow strongly. Thermometers show 2 to 7 degrees Celsius.
Cloudy is expected in most parts of the country on Sunday. Precipitation is 2-8 liters per square meter, moving from west to east. It should not rain only in the south-east of Poland. At the end of the day, there will be local snow and rain in the east. Some weather is expected in the western regions.
The maximum temperature in the east will rise from 2 to 3 degrees in the west of the country to 6-7 degrees, moderate and very strong wind will blow from the southwest. The wind can reach 40-65 km/h and up to 70 km/h in the mountains.
Weather on
Biometeo conditions
Air humidity will be from 70 to 95 percent and the highest in the northeastern part of the country. Almost everywhere, biometeorological conditions will be unfavorable, only in the southeast the weather will not affect well-being.
Biometeo conditions at
Today's weather – Warsaw
It is cloudy and raining. Maximum temperature 5 degrees C. Wind moderate, south-west. The pressure in the afternoon is 987 hectopascals and rises.
Today's weather – Tricity
Cloudy and moderate rain. Temperature. maximum 6 degrees C. Moderate, very strong southwesterly wind. The pressure in the afternoon is 993 hPa and rises.
Today's weather – Poznań
Cloudy and moderate precipitation. Temperature. maximum 7 degrees. The pressure is in the afternoon and increases to 985 hPa.
Today's weather – Wroclaw
It is cloudy with light rain. Temperature. maximum 7 degrees. The pressure is in the afternoon and increases to 985 hPa.
Today's weather – Krakow
Mostly cloudy with light rain later in the day. Temperature. maximum 7 degrees moderate wind, south-west. The pressure in the afternoon is 978 hPa and rises.
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