On Sundays, Raddav Radam Radabas, Migration Music Music, who decided to be broken from Starlinks, and Ukraine loses the war. In the reaction, Sikorski emphasized that Starlinki is paid for Ukraine by Poland as a Poland as part of the double trade agreement. He also added that if there is an extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely high supply, Polish is forced to search others. The US Secretary of State Mart Marcio is accused of login, which he said in “wash”. Later, in further entries to the musk, sikorski “Meaboardismi” and “puposes”. In the TWłit “program Radosłavawa stated that” he doesn’t like anyone to write in any of the Minister of Poland. ” However, the program noted that I learned that the cycor of this discussion. “Only on some violation, he decided to say that” IMBA “was briefly stated in the social media, – said the clinel of Ukraine and accused him. I think why. This environment in which radios take shlves, such as English, quality signature, “said fum.” – I am not attacking radiosimsky abroad, I just said that this demonstration of the Minister of Ministers of the Foreign Affairs – added.