Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi said in an interview with Polish media that Ukraine is not currently conducting any negotiations with Russia, including secret negotiations. He added that “the war cannot be ended without diplomacy”, but “there will be no agreement with the Russians without Ukraine.”
The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskiy gave an interview to four Polish editorials: TVN24, Onet, “Rzeczpospolita” and “Krytyka Polityczna”.
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Zelensky: We will not negotiate with Russia
Zelensky was asked whether there are currently negotiations with Russia about a ceasefire or a peace agreement.
He replied that “Ukraine is not negotiating with Russia now.” – Also classified because we really care about the trust of our partners. We are already taking risks, because we have friends in the European Union who are on edge, who are looking for an opportunity to find good relations with Russia, or to balance between Ukraine and Russia, said the President of Ukraine.
– Thank God, there are not many such countries, but partnership cooperation is very important for us. From the first days of the war, we managed to create such a partnership, and I believe that without such an alliance we could not have endured. And you know, like life, it’s hard to build something, but it’s even harder to keep it. That is why there is no negotiation, he told the journalists.
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– Of course, no agreement with the Russians can be made without Ukraine. And therefore, Ukraine should react strongly if a country negotiates with Russia behind our back. We need to know about this and have continuous information with our allies, he emphasized.
Zelensky: The war cannot be ended without diplomacy
– We definitely believe that the war cannot be stopped without diplomacy. Less people suffer, less everything is lost this way. If we stop this satanic history like this, even though the other side does not want peace, we can achieve peace by force. This happens when partners come together and force the other side to start a dialogue, he said.
– What should be done before we enter into any negotiations? Ukraine should receive security guarantees. It’s number one, and it’s what everyone needs, including you. Everyone has already realized that Russia is an enemy and can attack any European country. They have a lot of power for this and unfortunately, this is their wish. Zelensky said that this should be avoided with Putin.
Can the war end this year?
Zelensky was also asked if he believes that the war will end this year. He responded that Donald Trump “very much wants to end the war.” – These are his claims, both public and private. And he can exert pressure and influence on Russia. I believe that Russia is afraid of the United States, it is afraid of China, it is afraid of a united Europe, he said.
– When you ask whether we can stop firing this year, I answer that we must take all measures to do so. But the European Union should be three times more pragmatic and triple its (arms) production. You have to produce to help Ukraine, but you also have to produce more for yourself, so that the Russians know that Europe is producing more, Europe can stand up to them. You have to go ahead of Putin, he emphasized.
– Trump knows that it is about security guarantees of Ukraine and he should press Putin for diplomacy. I think Trump can do it. And God forbid to offer real security guarantee to Ukraine. Real for us, for Europe and for the Russians. And they will be real if Ukraine can defend itself and others, if Putin goes to a new war, said Volodymyr Zelensky.
Source of the main photos: the 24th mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine