The Ukrainian president met with a journalist on the eve of the Munich Security Conference. Wołodymyr Zelanski acknowledged that Ukrainian state budgets are a significant deficit and the issue of funding the Army is important.
At the same time, politicians reminded the Kremlin had issued an order to increase the personal status of the Russian military by another 150,000. This is expected to happen in the coming months.
-We have a $40 billion deficit and everyone is helping us today. This is an army of a brigade of 110 people, with over 800,000 people. If Russia increases the number of soldiers, it will require at least 1.5 times more soldiers. This means another $15 million. What’s cheap: NATO Soldier or this? he asked.
War in Ukraine. President Zellankey on NATO terms
In a further part of his speech, Wołodymyr Zełnski mentioned the issue of “mediation missions.” According to some European military commentators, NATO countries should decide to create such forces and transfer them to Ukrainian territory.
President Zelasky has been approaching the idea at a sunny distance, and emphasized that such a mission is only effective with so many soldiers.
-We build “Nato of Ukraine” – we get from you from the conditions of European and Americans from you (from the West – ed.). As they said, there are no five or seven thousand (soldiers) in the unit. I recommended counting the Army and we need 100,000 – he said.
With “Event Guests” about Europe: We Are Interesting/Porsat News/Porsat News