Square jam jam in the blade area
Source: Arturn Węgrzynowicz, Tvnali.pl
Clearly in Arcadia, Grandada, Rowsa, Zawisza parszałkkkkowkowka – are only the selected sections of the road intended that the company is intended. The problem problem needs to be expected at the end of spring and summer.
At Tuesday meeting, the President of Skaykanists, the Vice President of Syrad, introduced the repairing plan for 2025.
– Last year, we were able to complete 23 repair tasks. This year, we will increase the bar and intend to perform 34 tasks. This is about 10 km of ways to repair overall repair. We want to make a traffic break from the fact that strategic investments – said the call of the Warsaw ki.
This will be due to repairing the roads on Grinjo Street on the street. Trouverses from the moment of extreme work, which includes the road construction of the Western Road to the Western Western Railway, the Western Railway – Grinkeno – ban. Tracking will be updated in the square section on a narcutted area to the BAT-box. Repair two days: from August to October.
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The second stream of Greengage Street in Warsaw are the most prosperous secondary. Up to 53 tricks passed in an hour from one direction. Interestingly, the song was updated in a short section of the Sieerska to the Theater OK in 1992.
Repair will not include travel at Wawnska street height. This was repaired in 2023.
Viaduct in Arcadia
Already in the spring, the tram on the preparation of Arcadia’s travel center (according to the latest information, the first previous part of the roads in the capital – 60 barns per hour). The total repairs is needed here. Due to the status of relucture relocation, Trameters will drag 10 kilometers per hour. However, technical services often return to eliminate further errors. The repair begins in March and will continue until May.
The traffic traffic in the section from MayMont Metro is closed to the round round “Radio! – In accordance with Warsaw, we have decided to use illegal decisions that did not occur in this part of the city. Trayms on a Broneverego street for placing grunkfulz, a deputy director of Pretrich in the urban transport department. – Repair covers in the school year and we would like to keep traffic in the maximum section – zając.
She announced that the 17th line will relate to direct contact between Białoęęka and śródódódódódódódódódódódódódódódódódódódódódódódódódódódódódódódódódódódódódódódódódódódódódólódócie. Pats will fly through prices, andereevetics.
Two replaced lines serve from moving. – One line is connected to the home army route with a Bronevo Strong Brown route. The second line of the second-round bus connects with a MaryMont Stepste on the MaryMont Street pointed on Popiełuski street – Zając.
On June and July update up to TranskiGiegiegoe Street to enter GDAńSK. The periodic of the period to Anderria, the company’s company wants to order a foreign company, the remaining concepts restore its power. Updated means excluding traffic traffic tramiiniński and Międzarkarkarkarowa.
Details related to the introduction of recovery communication and changes in organizing the car traffic in the finding. Updating only three kilometers in September.
Will be repaired along the Słomiński
Will be repaired along the Słomiński
Source: Arturn WęGzynowicz / Tharnwarszava.pl
Will be repaired along the Słomiński
Source: Arturn WęGzynowicz / Tharnwarszava.pl
Will be repaired along the Słomiński
Source: Arturn WęGzynowicz / Tharnwarszava.pl
Will be repaired along the Słomiński
Source: Arturn WęGzynowicz / Tharnwarszava.pl
Marszałkkkowskowska and the bank area
Also in June, the roads on the side of the lawnt is started in Burtle – a part of the part. This means that excluding traffic traffic from Town Town Town Arsenal Arsenal to State. For this modernization, the song covers are also used to return the troops.
Read as well as: song will be greenłałkkowska green. New Poppy Passwords are also formed
As we have been informed about Twnwarsza.pl.
Modernization should be performed in October.
In turn, from May to July, Trump effectively replacing the burning on the bank area. It also means short-short traffic in sections from the banking area to Violeniy station, kinozets and state Davlaks.
Zawiszy field in new technology
In July and August, the road update is scheduled in the node in the inflation field. Three inches: The square of Starenkiewicka, Narutowicza and the Cernowic area is closed separately.
Kanelad announced that this repair will be special, as it is not used in the technology that has not yet been used in Warsaw. – We want to use the plates of the minutes. Close, large grains are produced in the enterprise and brought somewhere. It will be a complex operation of the logistic, because one of such blocks weigh about 40 tons – explained Niklewicz. He also noted that thanks this technology, the time of repair and trials of the relevant in traffic will be significantly shortened.
Square jam jam in the blade area
Source: Tunvals.pl
The repair is less
Using multiplied streams on the street of Racowko, Trusta intend to cross the trambler. This means turning off traffic in the section of Allah.
At the same time, many small work is also planned to make a significant effectively affect the traffic. These are repairing the roads in młynarska and camps, Therts and Athess, Things and 11, which in the Beat’s Beat and Ul. Paiatthintw śląskie, in Wolska – Numenticka knots and some space in the Walking. In addition, the selected crosses in the PKP Scueckwife is the ring, the sound of al. Nipevellus – Nounowjska (Western arrogant), install zbazenine, wicracak meters and kercelak metros. In turn, the sections of the song, planted with Green Expange: Mothers Teresa Incutta and Railmelińikłaakowska, Gructłakowska, the gripplińska, the gructions in vomit al. John Beijing I am a faithful faith.
Source: Tunvals.pl
Source of Key Photo: Tuverzza.pl