Ukrainian President Wołodymyr Zelanki Sazanki Sazanki There is a green light for the essonic process “Victims of Kurdlar Kurdl in Volgina. Намояндаи Ҳукумат барои барқарорсозии Украина Павет Ковал дар “Далелҳо пас аз далелҳо” гуфт, ки “хулосаҳои аввалин таҳлил карда мешаванд” ва “баъзеҳо аллакай иҷро карда мешаванд” ва ” Бо вуҷуди ин, ӯ санаи оғози корҳои фароҳамиро ошкор накард.
The chairman of the presidential candidate, the Presidential candidate is an organization of Hamdya.
He was saying that the issues of the death victims of the death victims was among the issues. – It was good chat at the request of the Ukrainian side. Of course, we talked about my history, my position is opaque and repeatedly: This is the main issue for us because it is civilizer. We just want to know where our favorite loved ones are burying and are able to refer to a candle inflammation into their tombs – hołownia.
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As the chairman of the SPA stressed that Zelanski is convinced that “in the part there is green light, as soon as possible, and all these go quickly.”
Blackmit: The first apps are analyzed, some are in practice
The Mentor’s plow also provided about the provision of Polish victims in Ukraine in Ukraine in “evidence after the facts” in Tynn24 in TYNN24. – We strive to consider all the conclusions about the brightwoman who has still been submitted. Such conclusions were slightly next to Polish, slightly on the side of Ukraine. We want to see why they didn’t realize – he said.
See also: Voly-speaking gifts. Where does the problem of the rest of the victims come from?
It was also explained that “Observations of both sides to follow the rest of their relatives, the right to create a reminder.” “Normal law, the humanitarian, said he said without any additional historical or political relatives.
However, he did not answer this question when it comes to the resume. – Everything that is transported to ship and communicate. The first applications will be analyzed. Some are already going on – said Care.
See also: Published: Finally a progress. The head of Ukraine Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine on “Balaus to Moscow”
– There are things you need to say. (…) I am sure that this is a unique moment, so it is a window of opportunities that make it relative to the issues, asleep and practices.
Matitoring Cancellation to search and misses
In November 2024, police and Ukrainian foreign ministers, Asker’s disadvantages, which made its moratorium on the force, to insult the rest of the Polish criminals.
Polish and Ukrainian diplomacy are about it. “There is no obstacles” TVNN24
At present, Ukraine approved that “obstacles to conduct of Polish state institutions and private people in cooperation” and the preparation for these issues. “
The head of the Polish Foreign Ministry said the Polish side replaces its institutions, such as the National Listing Institute “sensitivity to Ukraine. “
A memory of memory
Poland and Ukraine are different in many years to the role of formation of nationals of Ukrainians and Ukrainian army, which has exported about 100,000 ordinary people of genenians in the 1943-1945. Healthy, women and children. On the Polish side it was the consequence of the results of the results of the results of the (Mass; and organized) as Ukrainians were the result of symmetric conflict, which was responsible for it – both sides responsible for it. Besides Ukrainians want only one anti——–trial resistance by organizations (through anti.
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In 2017-2024 the NGO named after Ukrainian administration, agreed, which agreed, which were repeated, repeat the conclusions (places that have been repeatedly repeated). Some of them were considered positive and worked. There was no consent of work elsewhere, and some programs were left unanswered.
Source of major photos: Dorsh Kelmanov / Pap