In 2024, more than 150 was founded with the weather, the weather was shown – as the national metorological organization. Waves, floods and tropical cyclets have acquired directly to the death of 1,700 and their roofs have been made between 800,000 people. This is a record value, but scientists are afraid that it will grow in the coming years.
2024 The most warmest in the history of Podhon turned away. For the first time, the average global temperature went up 1,5 degrees from the previous level above. This was accompanied by other unfavorable records, for example, the maximum medium temperature in Europe, which was also higher in history.
An unusual manifestyle
On Wednesday, the global meteorological organization (WMO) published report “the global climate climate in 2024”. To assess its assessment, scientists of the whole world were used seven according to the basic standards: the rid of sea level, ice and the emergence of severe phenomena.
In all of the above areas, the such scientists were taken into account that scientists, greenhouse gas temperature, and heat content in the oceans declined. Although 2024 increased in winter ice in the Arctic slightly, not enough to reduce losses in terms of 1980s.
Researchers to weather events with “unprecedicated” intensity. In 2024, about 152 people were recorded. Heat waves, severe precipitation, and tropical cyclones directly damaged by 1.1 million people who have caused 1.1 million people. More than 842 thousand people lost their houses – the highest value in measurement history of measurement since 2008.
2024. Spain. Cars by water in Scuravi Communic, Walengbapap / EPA / Bill Alinning
Climate and policy
According to scientists, governments play a key role in the weakening of climate change. Documentations on insulation should be apolytics and impossible to act.
– Global heating without an obstacle lead ago in 1980 and millions of people suffer from their consequences. We can limit the trend to increase the temperature, with limiting extracted fuel fuel – said the Spefan Baly of Persackam.
Secretary-General WMO Kellyov said the report is the alarm signal with a threat.
– WMO and the international community to strengthen early warning systems and climate service more resistant to the high weather conditions to strengthen the weather. – Only half of the countries have an early warning system – it must change – he said. He also noted that the investment is more important to the weather, water and climate is more important than ever.
Climate change and their consequences in my world I Ziemienowicz, Maciej Zielyński / Pap
Main photos: PAP / EPA / EPA / Bill Aliino