Did you know that the longest words in the world contain just under 190,000 characters?Here is a list of the top 5 longest words in the world.
189,819 letter English words
The longest word in the world is the English chemical term “methionylthreonylthreonyl(…)isoleucine”.
This word, which is over 189,819 characters long, is the name of titin, the world's largest protein. It takes about 3 hours to read it aloud from beginning to end.
195 letters Sanskrit
Always Dark Distance-Lotus-Slow Improvements-Concentration-Dense-Group-Suspicious-Flowing Honey-Points-Friendly-Lotus Tree-Family-Bed-Kulpa-Soft-Sikuta-Network-Compound-Root-Bottom-Desert- Mirdrag-Rag-Rhythm-Kalit-Ramanya-Panya-Sharika-Balika-Kala-Vinda-Garantika-Gardera-Rabanga-Patal-Ganasar-Kastrikati Saurabh-Medur-Ragtar-Madur-Sitaratar-Sarildara-Tadiya-Vimal-Virochan -mayukh- Thirsty travelers spread out in a row
The second longest word in the world is Sanskrit, with 195 letters (equivalent to 428 letters in the Latin alphabet).
This word is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the longest word in the world. The word first appears in a book written by Queen Thirumalamba in the 16th century and is actually a description of the region of India called Tamil Nadu.
Afrikaans words with 136 letters
The third longest word in the world is this 136-letter Afrikaans word.
“Used car sales union strike meeting convener, speech writer, press announcement, press conference announcement”
Roughly translated, it means “press conference regarding the speech given by union members at used car dealerships regarding the strike.”
Afrikaans is a Germanic language derived from Dutch and is one of South Africa's 11 official languages.
New Zealand words of 85 letters
This is the fourth longest word in the world.
“The level of music played at the time of death”
This is actually the name of a hill in New Zealand. Translated as: “Tamatea, the peak where the man with the big knees, the surveyor, the mountaineer, the wanderer, traveled here and played the flute to his lover.”
With 85 letters, this word is the longest place name in the Latin alphabet in the world. It is also registered in the Guinness Book of Records.
Icelandic words of 64 letters
“Vádla Heath Road Construction Tool Storage Entrance Door Keychain”
This 64-letter Icelandic word is the fifth longest word in the world. The literal translation is as follows.
“Ring on the key chain on the outside door of a tool shed used by road maintenance workers on Vazrahage Hill.”
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Answers to questions about the longest word in the world
The longest French word officially recognized by the Académie Française is “anticonstitutional”, which consists of 25 letters. In other words, it's the longest word in the French dictionary.
The longest word in German is “Rinderkennzeichnungsfleischetickettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz”. Contains 79 characters.
The longest English word is also the longest word in the entire world. Contains approximately 190,000 characters. This is the chemical name for titin, the largest known protein. However, the longest word in the English dictionary is just 45 letters long: pneumonoultramicroscopesilicovolcanoconiosis, which describes a lung disease. Doctors call it “P45.”