“Watch,” Thank you “- Say: Turk Thanks to the head of Polish diplomacy, which refers to the social media in social media. The election election commission has been removed from the presidential candidate, who has been conquered by the presidential candidate, which has been concepted by the first election. The heads of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United States and Ukraine will meet in Saudi Arabia. These are the five things that are on Monday, March 10.
1. Bon Musk to Sikor’s games: quiet, a small man
“Release Man”, say: Thank you. “Radoslav Sikorsky is described in her Sundon on Sunda Marko Marking Morona Marking without the stars with Russia. The head of the Poland Diplati Marking with Russia has been arranged with Russia. The head of the Poland Diplatat of Market Marking. The head of the Poland Diplati Marken and the State American Circumination with Russia could not enter the import of billions. Also listened to the Suninki radios to react about Starlinki.
Read more: Moses, vibio, sikorski. Favoring the sentences around the sentences around Poland, Ukraine and Starlinks
Excessive exchange between music, sikorski and rubiotvn24
2. The election committee follows Kalina Gebinson
Election election commission has denied the candidate of supporters of the supporters of the supporters of the supporters of the supporters of the supporters of the supporters of the supporters of the supporters of the supporters of the supporters of the supporters of the supporters of the supporters of the supporters of the supporters of the supporters of the supporters of the supporters of the supporters of the supporters of the supporters of the supporters of the supporters of the supporters of the supporters of the supporters of the supporters of the supporters of the Supporters to Sunday, “said the president’s speech. Voting has already been conducted last year, but the Constitutional Court has been abolished. The importance of the georgion campaign that should have been supported by Russia. Last year, the first round of the presidential election was held in the Russian Rumiya. It acquired by Galin Geehek to which anti —— water and pro-USSians. During December two, the Constitutional Court abolished the results of the first voting. He ordered the entire circulation of the electoral process to re-select.
Calin GeadescencingCurnobert / EPA / PAP
Reading: The elections were canceled. Her candidate now has been removed
3. Meeting of the heads of Ukraine and the United States without Russia
The head of the city of the United States will fly to Saudi Arabia on Monday, where he will meet with the Ukrainian counterpart. The planned meeting does not provide for Russia’s participation. Ukrainian President Wołodymyr Zelanki donated the delegation of the Ukrainian. Monday, Wołodudymyreyr zelnski visits Saudi Arabia. The President of Ukraine announced that he will meet with the throne and the Ukrainian delegation will meet with the United States of President Jerkir and defense minister from Rustam.
Secretary of State Marco Rayka Raykapapart / EPA / Jim Loszo / Pool
Read more: Peace meeting without Russia
4. Chinese threat to Taiwan
The foot-on Sunday has warned that he strengthened the “ringtones on Taiwan necks if the separatist separation is worse in the island. “You have reached my full-time” said the Chinese Army Spokes. “The more of the separatism is struggling of the separatism, the slaves of the rings will be rampant to the neck and the sword will be hung” said the sword, the army of the Chinese people.
“ALW has a power in the fight against separatism and promoting” he turned around “guards” around Taiwan and China’s army verdict.
Read more: “sword hangs on their heads.” Beijing threatens
5. The Hackow attack on Krakov Hospital
The Ministry of Chief Affairs was the semi-digitalization of a cyber attack, the figure minister krzyztof Gawkissovski on Sunday Sunday. Emergency procedures were implemented and the facility already operates. The director of Health Science of Health Sciences Miyłhł herłyłns of the union of the Union has assured that the health and life of patients who are in the hospital, nothing is threatened. ” Gawkinskoskoskos announced that cybera services, including Certace, are responsible for ensuring security and system support to normal activities. “Government services have operational activities to determine the attackers,” – the minister emphasized the day.
Read more: Cyberatat to Krakov Hospital
Main photos: Robert Harm / EPA / Pap