The Australian market is on a cautious footing, with the ASX200 expected to open flat amid mixed signals from the US stock market and anticipation of key economic data releases. In this environment, identifying growing companies with strong insider ownership can provide valuable insights into potentially high performing stocks.
Top 10 growing companies with high insider ownership in Australia
Insider Ownership
Revenue Growth
Cetile (ASX:CTT)
Acrux (ASX:ACR)
Clinuvell Pharmaceuticals (ASX:CUV)
Liontown Resources (ASX:LTR)
Catalyst Metals (ASX:CYL)
Hillgrove Resources (ASX:HGO)
Lotus Resources (ASX:LOT)
Adveritas (ASX:AV1)
Plenty Group (ASX:PLT)
Change Financial (ASX:CCA)
To see the full list of 91 stocks from our “Fast growing ASX companies with high insider ownership” screener click here.
Let's look at some noteworthy options from the screener results.
Simply Wall St Growth Rating: ★★★★☆☆
Overview: Emerald Resources NL is involved in the exploration and development of mineral resources in Cambodia and Australia and has a market capitalization of A$2.37 billion.
Operations: The company's revenue is primarily derived from its mining operations, amounting to A$339.32 million.
Insider Ownership: 18.4%
Revenue growth forecast: 18.5% annualized
Emerald Resources is forecast to achieve revenue growth of 18.5% per year, outpacing the Australian market's growth rate of 5.1%. Revenue is expected to grow 19.8% per year, above the market average of 12.7%. Despite recent shareholder dilution, the company's shares are trading close to fair value and it has a high forecast return on equity of 20.5%. A recent presentation from MD Morgan Cain Hart at an industry conference highlighted the company's ongoing engagement with investors and stakeholders.
ASX:EMR Ownership Breakdown (as of August 2024)
Simply Wall St Growth Rating: ★★★★☆☆
Overview: Pinnacle Investment Management Group Limited operates as an investment management company in Australia with a market capitalization of AUD 3.38 billion.
Business: Pinnacle derives revenue primarily from its fund management business, which amounted to A$48.99 million.
Insider Ownership: 31.5%
Revenue growth forecast: 13.7% annualized
Pinnacle Investment Management Group has demonstrated strong financial performance, with profits up 18.1% over the past year and forecast to grow 14.4% annually, outperforming the Australian market average. Revenues are expected to grow 13.7% annually, also above the market rate. Insider ownership remains high, with purchases outpacing sales of shares in recent months. The company recently appointed Christina Leonard to its board of directors and announced an increase in its dividend to A$0.26 per share for the first half of 2024.
The story continues
ASX:PNI Earnings and Revenue Growth as of August 2024
Simply Wall St Growth Rating: ★★★★☆☆
About: Technology One Limited develops, markets, sells, implements and supports integrated enterprise business software solutions in Australia and internationally and has a market capitalization of AUD7.05 billion.
Business: The company's revenue segments include Software (A$317.24 million), Corporate (A$83.83 million) and Consulting (A$68.13 million).
Insider Ownership: 12.3%
Revenue growth forecast: 11.5% annualized
Technology One is expected to grow revenue at 14.79% annually, above the Australian market average, indicating strong growth potential. Revenue is also expected to grow at 11.5% annually, outpacing the market at 5.1%. Recent moves include the appointment of Paul Robson as an independent non-executive director to strengthen strategic transformation and operational efficiency capabilities. The company reported that revenue for the first half of 2024 increased to A$240.83 million from A$201.01 million a year earlier, and net profit increased to A$48.0 million from A$41.28 million.
ASX:TNE Ownership Breakdown (as of August 2024)
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This article by Simply Wall St is of general nature. We provide commentary based on historical data and analyst forecasts using only unbiased methodology, and our articles are not intended as financial advice. This is not a recommendation to buy or sell stocks, and does not take into account your objectives or financial situation. We aim to provide long-term analysis driven by fundamental data. Please note that our analysis may not take into account the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Simply Wall St has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. This analysis only considers shares directly held by insiders. It does not include shares indirectly held through other means such as corporations or trust companies. All forecast revenue and profit growth rates quoted are expressed as 1-3 year annualized growth rates.
Companies featured in this article include ASX:EMR, ASX:PNI and ASX:TNE.
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