Recycling already used raw materials should not only save resources, but also the environment. After use, plastics, building materials, glass, etc. can be put back into the material cycle by undergoing various technological treatments. Glass becomes new glass, plastic becomes granules used in new containers and molded plastics, and building materials can often be reused in the road sector through methods such as mechanical crushing. Because the recycling process is often long and expensive, lawmakers have set goals to increase each country's recycling quota.
65% recycling quota across Europe from 2035
The recycling of municipal waste, or household waste, has clear targets within the EU. By 2055, 55% of household waste must be recyclable. Some countries have already exceeded this goal, and in addition to Austria and Germany, Slovenes also do not have to worry about quotas. However, only 7% of municipal waste is currently recycled in Malta, while Romania's quota is just over 13%. Greece and Cyprus go a step further at 17%, but are nevertheless far from the EU requirements*.
Good communication supports the recycling process
Many manufacturers order raw materials and goods from all over the world to make their products. Particularly in the fields of chemistry and materials science, trained translators are needed to ensure a unified line to advance the complex subject of recycling. Please feel free to contact us for offers. I will be happy to help you.
*Source: Statista