You can buy a replica of Noah's Ark on a Dutch auction website. The 122-meter-long ship cost 350,000 zlotys. Euro (more than PLN 1.5 million). However, the builder hopes that the new owner will maintain the religious character of the work. Additionally, the unit must be received from a Dutch port. It's not that easy since the Ark doesn't have its own drive.
She ensured that the Biblical heroes survived the flood and gathered many animal species onto the ship. The replica is currently available for purchase on one of the Dutch auction websites. Noah's Ark, since we are talking about it, was worth 350,000 złoty. EUR (more than 1.5 million zlotys) – informed on the portal
Considering that the Ark cost €4.5 million to build, this is quite a bargain.
The unit is 122 meters long, 29 meters wide and 27 meters high. The building was founded in 2012 by Johan Huyvers, a Dutchman who owns a construction company. It is currently moored in the port of Krimpen aan den Ijssel.
Noah's Ark for sale. Builders want her to 'spread the faith'
Heiberth's plan was to “sail the ark throughout the Netherlands and spread the message of salvation and God's love.” He even wanted to ride it across the Atlantic.
Eventually a museum was established on board. Guests could learn about the Biblical story of Noah, see animals, visit restaurants, and even stay overnight in rental rooms. This unit was not only a religious hit, but also a commercial hit.
Hundreds of thousands of guests visited the ark. However, over the years, this project has lost its novelty.
“I'm tired of this and ultimately I want to get rid of her,” Huibers said. But he said he hopes the new owners will continue the religious mission. “I don't want the Ark to be used for other purposes,” he stressed.
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The new owner will have to retrieve the ark from where it is currently moored at his own expense, the statement said. This can be a nuisance, as this unit has no propulsion of its own and is built on a giant steel barge, so it just floats.
However, the Ark's builders have ensured that the ship can be towed by tugboats. The auction will continue until December 18th. At the moment, there is no one to become the new Noe.
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