We use them for a few minutes and then they decay for hundreds of years. We are talking about common plastic bags, which the European Union wants to limit further. For our sake and the environment. After many years of negotiations, a preliminary agreement was reached. The mechanism of reducing and limiting the use of bags or collecting additional taxes from them is considered. This may exclude thin bags in which, for example, meat or cheese are packaged by weight. Marek Gorczak asked what the residents of Bialystok, who went shopping, think about this. What bags do they use themselves? – I always have a fabric bag with me. I believe that there is so much plastic around us that there is no need to add it. Cloth bags have the advantage that they can always be washed if they get dirty, – admitted a woman from Bialystok on the street. – The material is more powerful, it is always at hand. I don't need plastic money, said the young girl. – It varies, but usually I have it because of the ecology, so in the assessment there is always less plastic and we have a cleaner planet. Maybe not for us, but for future generations, said the next interlocutor. The awareness of the inhabitants of the Podlasie capital was very high, and most of our interlocutors had cotton bags with them. – I'm trying to use my bag, I just went to the store and bought a cloth. It is very important to think about such things, because a lot of plastic is produced. If we can influence the amount of plastic produced, it is worth reducing it, concluded the young resident of Bialystok. More later in the survey. The material was developed in cooperation with the European Parliament.