Marta Krzyńska, Intel: After the information about Collegium Hunum, didn't Marshal Szymon Holownia go on the defensive?
Paweł Siris, Chairman of KP Polska 2050: – I don't think we are on the defensive. Marshall explained all questions in detail.
Isn't this an image problem?
– The information presented is false. Marshal only submitted an application to this university, but did not study there. He did not receive a diploma. Either “Newsweek” created fake news or, which I find hard to believe since serious media would never do such a thing, they received false information created by someone during the preparatory process.
That's something I want to keep secret.
– Yes, such materials are not available to outsiders. It was leaked and created by someone who wanted to improve their legal situation.
Marshal Horonia suggested that perhaps the military was involved in the incident. Do you have such doubts too?
– The Marshal discussed this matter with the Prime Minister and Minister Siemoniak. He was sure that there were no orders for this service. He said he believed both the Prime Minister and Minister Siemoniak.
Are you really confident in yourself or are you feeling a little weak?
– We are not here to criticize our coalition partners. Especially since the prime minister has promised to personally oversee the issue. we rely on it. We hope that such unsportsmanlike conduct will no longer occur.
But the marshal had strong words about the possibility of a serious confidence crisis.
– Because Mr. Marshal has the right to know why such defamation against other persons in the country, including presidential candidates, appeared in public. It is extremely worrying for us that such information would be leaked from the files of the public prosecutor's office. The incident was extremely serious, and was the second time that false information had been leaked in the country.
Who should be held responsible for this?
・First of all, we need to confirm how this false information leaked from the minutes file. Someone failed to fulfill their duty. If information leaks from the prosecutor's office, it will be bad news for the general public. It is in the interest of the entire nation to prevent this from happening.
How does Attorney General Adam Bodnar take this?
– I don't want to draw too far-reaching conclusions. If there is a mistake somewhere in the future, I am against cutting off the biggest head.
So should these results be drawn at the bottom?
– I say this not as a politician, but as a lawyer. If you make a mistake, there should be consequences. These people must be held accountable.
Who could be interested in discrediting the Marshal at this point? Simon Horounia said this is not what you agreed to in the coalition government.
– I don't know who it is. It is true that there will be no campaign of slander or slander on the part of the marshals, and it will be a pure election campaign rather than a war of attrition.
Has someone already started this war?
– I believe the assurances that Marshal Horonia received from the Prime Minister that they are not coalition partners.
Since the sheriff says he is the victim in this case, wouldn't filing a report with the prosecutor's office stop the case?
– The Marshal had already been slandered in the previous term. There are also connections to Opus Dei and even Russian intelligence services. At that time, we considered legal action, but decided that it was pointless. We are currently analyzing the situation. Marshall will make a decision soon.
If he is being maligned, some may wonder why he is late. Does it leave room for misunderstanding?
– These are very serious issues, so we need to consider which direction to go.
What direction does Shimon Horounia want to take in this campaign to persuade voters?
– First of all, he will want to show his work as a marshal. What does Same feel like? Discussion and normal conversation finally returned to Same.
– But there is an argument. Opposition members are given the same amount of speaking time as those in power. More opposition projects are already being discussed than in the eight years of the PiS government. The idea is this – let's stop arguing, let's bridge the divide. This is the main message of this campaign.
– I don't want to criticize others. We tested it in vivo. Simon showed us how Same operates. He didn't just remove the barrier and symbolically open it up.
However, these are presidential elections, not Speaker Seim's elections.
– He plans to introduce the standards he has introduced at Seim in the Presidential Palace. In the last campaign, Szymon was also able to unite people with very different views. Everyone predicted how we would end up. And what did he do? He created Poland 2050. Thanks to the Third Way, we have a coalition majority. Over the past few months, we have shown that we can work together with PSL.
– Where did the idea come from that he doesn't think about Shimon Horounia?
He didn't flaunt it at first. And the marshal himself said that he did not understand the movement of the People's Party and did not know what had happened. It was unpleasant.
– But we could talk to each other, so everything became clear quickly. We saw a photo of Władysław Kosiniak-Kamisz and Szymon Holownia together.
This is because families look best in photos, including political ones.
– I think our political families get along very well.
But it is not enough to field a common candidate.
– I'm really sorry. If the common candidate was Shimon Horounia, I think he would easily beat the PiS candidate in the first round.
– He is a candidate who can appeal to a very wide range of voters and goes beyond the PiS-PO controversy.
Will Rafał Czaskowski not decide the election in the first round?
– I can't help it.
Why is there such a lack of trust in our coalition partners?
– I'm a realist, but of course each political party can also see its candidates as images. And faith can move mountains.
Do you see candidates as pictures?
– no. I know him so well that I just have to trust him. I know his moral backbone and values. Even opposition members come out of Simon's office and say, “This marshal is cool.”
– I won't name names because it would be the kiss of death, but there are many.
You are not afraid that the participation of marshals in elections is dangerous. What if the outcome is disastrous?
– We run to reach the finish line and win.
– Simon is a long-distance runner. He is mobilized and ready for action. There's nothing stopping him.
In the last poll, Marshal was overtaken by the federal candidate.
– But this race has just begun. There are also surveys where marshals can expect double-digit results, such as surveys commissioned by POs during primaries.
How do you evaluate PiS candidates?
– I don't know that guy. There's no point in looking at him. We have to do a good job and a good campaign.
Is this a good move by the opposition?
– They wanted to show that there was an independent candidate and hide the party sign because he was embarrassed. They keep calling Andrzej Duda “Andrzej Duda 2.0”. They even introduced him in the same place as Andrzej Duda. This is not an independent candidate, but a man obsessed with Jarosław Kaczynski's little finger.
Is Shimon Horounia also ashamed of his signature? This is because he himself has said that he would like to be an independent candidate.
– It is independent, not non-partisan. That's the difference. He is independent from the president and chairman. No one will blame him, you should. If he wins, his puppet rule in the presidential palace will finally come to an end.
Mr. Zivno on the appointment of the director of the Institute of National Memory in the presidential election with the support of PiS: Karol Nowogrodski…means Navrocki/Porsat News/Porsat News