German media reported the story of this action movie. A police pursuit took place in Zittau on Monday. At 1:20 p.m., police on patrol attempted to stop a VW Passat for inspection.
The Polish man on board ignored police orders and fled. The frantic rally was led by a 24-year-old boy who rammed into fences and police cars, especially on roads that were closed due to construction.
With their car stuck, the driver and his companion, a 28-year-old man, decided to flee on foot. They were able to cover just a few meters before being overpowered by police.
Chasing Poles in Germany. 24 year old's long list of crimes
After checking the details of the driver, it was discovered that he did not have a driving license. Further tests revealed the presence of drugs in his system. Police also found prohibited drugs in the car the 24-year-old used to get away. There was also a stolen license plate.
The car didn't belong to the driver either. The theft was previously reported in the Czech Republic. The situation of both Poles is not improved by the fact that they already have problems with law compliance. Also for the theft of private electric scooters.
The men arrested were a 24-year-old man and a 28-year-old man. Police are not providing further information at this time.
Source: “Bilf”,
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