The tragedy occurred at the Ur police station on Wednesday morning. Šeroka in Krakow. Earlier on the 6th, during an operation with a man detained by police, the man grabbed the officer's gun and took his own life, spokesperson Piotr Spich confirmed in an interview with Intel.
The day before, police had intervened at the man's apartment. On Tuesday, about the 23rd, operators of the emergency number 112 received a report of an altercation at UL. Wawrzyniec in Krakow. The caller was a neighbor. Piotr Spich told Interlia that police had to force entry into the apartment with the help of the fire brigade.
A 24-year-old woman was found at the scene with multiple injuries. Lying next to her was a 23-year-old man who had attempted suicide. The woman was taken to a hospital, where she died.
RMF FM was the first to report on the matter.
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