PiS politicians have been assuring since July that Marcin Romanovsky has nothing to hide and will be happy to answer all the charges in the prosecutor's office, and he will certainly not hide himself. Meanwhile, when the deputy lost his immunity and the court decided to arrest him, Romanovsky fell to the ground and the party members changed their tune: they say it is civil disobedience.
Former Deputy Minister of Justice and PiS Member of Parliament Marcin Romanovsky has been wanted since Thursday with an arrest warrant. On Monday, the court decided to temporarily arrest him, but so far the police have not been able to identify his whereabouts or arrest him. – I understand that this is civil disobedience – explains Michal Wojcik, a lawyer for law and justice.
READ MORE: Marcin Romanovsky is wanted on an arrest warrant. Police are releasing pictures and information
“Civil disobedience”, which was previously unknown to the order of pretrial detention, is the result of a rapid evolution of the understanding of the law, because for years a completely different interpretation was practiced in the single right wing camp. “If someone has nothing to hide, they have nothing to fear,” Jacek Sasin, a PiS MP, said in 2019. “Honest people probably have nothing to fear,” said Patrick Jacqui, a PiS MP during the ruling coalition of the right. .
Marcin Romanovsky TVN24
Marcin Romanovsky should not hide
In July, his party colleagues convinced Romanovsky of his honesty. – Minister Marcin Romanovsky did not do anything against the law, said deputy Michal Wojcik on July 3. “These may be some small defects that have occurred,” said Maria Krukovskiy on July 4. “He is an honest and noble person,” assured Mariusz Gosek on July 11.
Marcin Romanovsky stated in July that he is ready to face justice: “If we reveal all the materials, then you will see that this is a fake”, “the evidence shows only lies.”
When Marcin Romanovski was arrested on July 15, his representative said he was still protected by the immunity of a member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. The former deputy minister himself stated that he could not give up on this. As for the immunity of Europe, let's call it a guarantee, he said.
READ ALSO: What is happening in the case of Marcin Romanovsky? We summarize
After the first arrest was unsuccessful, PiS politicians also claimed that it was unnecessary. – Of course, there was a legend that he is trying to hide, he is deceiving, he might go abroad. He had nothing to hide. – Deputy Michal Wojcik defended Romanovsky at that time. – There is nothing to hide. He says: he wants to testify, he really wants to explain everything, – MP Pavel Jablonski assured.
Back in October, the representative Marcin Romanovsky assured that “he will respond to various requests of the prosecutor's office”. In this case, the politician also had support among his party colleagues. – He is ready to appear in front of the prosecutor's office and does not want to, he has no intention of hiding or avoiding responsibility in any way, – Jan Kanthak said on October 2.
Spokesperson of the National Prosecutor's Office on the case of Romanovsky and his behavior TVN24
If you don't go abroad, you will suddenly bleed
With all immunities waived, the former deputy minister could have faced 11 charges again, but more trouble loomed. At first, the deputy was unable to appear at the prosecutor's office due to his “foreign trip”, then he fell ill.
Romanovsky also fell ill last Monday, when the court had to consider again the prosecutor's request for his temporary arrest. – The man really escaped with his life, because he suffered from serious bleeding, I can say that it really led to the death of a life-threatening condition, and Mr. Romanowski came back on the other side – Bartosz Lewandowski, representative of MP Marcin Romanowski, told reporters. .
As evidence, a colleague of the parliament even published a relevant photo, but when the court decided that the parliamentarian could be arrested, Marcin Romanovsky checked himself out of the hospital and began his civil and solitary opposition to his arrest.
Main photo source: TVN24