The incident occurred on Monday morning in Karbina, near the border with Poland. According to information provided by the police, a young Polish man threw a firecracker into the building of a local skate park, causing a fire.
Firefighters located the fire within 30 minutes, but it took another 60 minutes to extinguish the fire. Firefighters only extinguished the fire from outside the hall, as the flames risked causing the damaged roof structure to collapse.
Czech Republic. Millions lost in skate park fire. Paul in the hands of the police
Czech police detained a young Polish man in connection with the fire. Police officers continued their procedural operations until late into the night.
Criminal proceedings concern the suspicion of committing a crime that poses a general threat as a result of negligence and destruction of other people's property.
Despite the effective efforts of the fire brigade, the building could not be saved and was completely burnt down. Damages were initially estimated at 5.8 million crowns (approximately 1 million zlotys).
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