Civil Alliance candidate in the presidential elections, Rafal Trzaskovskiy, met with singer Zenon Martyniuk on Thursday. She posted a short video of them together on social media. In “Facti po factach”, the mayor of Warsaw said that both are in the same city, so “it was difficult not to eat”. – Although today we have slightly different musical tastes, several decades ago we listened to Troika together and recorded Troika’s hits together in the “Granding” studio. Prince, Europe, etc., he said.
After the Speaker of the Seimas, Simon Holounia, decided to hold presidential elections on Wednesday, the election campaign officially began. Rafal Trzaskovskiy, who is a candidate of the Civil Alliance, visited Podlasie Voivodeship on Thursday and met with residents and entrepreneurs.
That same evening, he published a video on social media where he was sitting at the same table with Zenon Martyniuk, a disco singer.
“We were in the same city. It was difficult to meet”
Trzaskovsky talked more about this meeting in “Facti po Factach” on TVN24. When asked if he had had dinner with Martiniuk, he replied, “Yes, indeed he did.” – We were in the same place, in the same city, in Bielsko. It was difficult to meet, he said.
– Although today we have a little different taste in music, tens of years ago we listened to Troika together and together we recorded hits from Troika in (player – ed.) – both Zenek Martyniuk and me. Prince, Europe, etc., etc. – admitted.
As he recalled, “there was a time when everyone listened to exactly the same music.” – And Zenek Martyniuk is really a good person – he added.
Main photo source: Rafal Trzaskovsky/X