Donald Trump announced the largest deportation action in US history. As a result, the Poles were staying there illegally, fearing that this would affect them as well. – Does this action really affect the Poles as well? – Patrick Michalsky, host of the “Tlit” program on Virtual Poland, asked his guests: PiS MP Radoslav Vogel and KO Konrad Fristak. – The issue of security, the border, the issue of immigration, the issue of sealing the border were among the most important elements of the campaign, so it is not surprising that Trump started with this, – said Radoslav Fogiel. – There is no need to beat any bushes here. If someone is in the United States illegally, they are objectively illegal, no matter where they come from. But here too a warning should be given. The question arises whether there is any program that allows people to stay in the US, for example, without a criminal record or a permanent work history – said the PiS representative. He also noted that during the campaign, Trump did not claim that Poles from Greenpoint, even those who remain there illegally, “are a terrible threat to the foundations of American existence.” – In these descriptions, he focused on communities that are slightly different from our fellow citizens in the United States, – Fogiel recalled. – I am surprised by one thing, because these will be deportations on a mass scale, I mean, I am impressed by this term, which, due to the history of our country, does not have the best associations, but these will be some. some sort of crowding of workplaces, places of residence, and inevitably Poles living illegally in the United States will also fall into these networks, and then what? Doesn’t the asterisk refer to Poles? – said Konrad Fristak, deputy of KO, admitting that he understands the concerns of our compatriots who live in the USA illegally. – I think that after some time we will know more, especially the government should know, because there is a difference, even a technical one, between the deportation of an illegal immigrant from Mexico, from the country with which we have a land border, and his deportation from there to Tajikistan. has a country abroad. This cannot be done without an agreement with the authorities of this country, Fristak said. He also assured all Poles living in the USA that the Polish government will not leave them without help.
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